Tariq Nasheed’s (@tariqnasheed) Hidden Colors...
Hid­den Col­ors 3: The Rules Of Racism is the fol­low up film to the crit­ic­ally acclaimed
Interview: Scattered Thoughts Of @BuggsThaRocka
Cini­cin­nati kid Buggs tha Rocka may be an unfa­mil­i­ar name to many, but his new album
Review: @ArtisticHorde Presents: Remarque Prize
  A mild autumn even­ing presen­ted a gra­cious show of poets present­ing won­der­fully insight­ful pieces....
Spoken Word + Lyrics: ‘EDUCATION’ By...
‘Edu­ca­tion’ by Rohun Batra (Pro­duced by ShoXstar)...
Review: Voices of Resistance — The Mixtape Vol...
From lively spoken word about women lib­er­a­tion to sooth­ing reg­gae music about racism, Voices of...
Guest: @JTheExodus & Eulogy to...
Anoth­er deep I Am Hip-Hop show fea­tur­ing J the Exodus in the stu­dio for the I
Poetry: Sista Lyric (@SistaLyric ) ‘Split...
Split decition Inspir­a­tion, ded­ic­a­tion, exclam­a­tion; a state­ment made with a recipe legendary. Quite...
A Woman in Rebellion. The Art of Frida Kahlo
[youtube]http://youtu.be/b5c7Sp9iy4A[/youtube] Frida Kahlo de Rivera (July 6, 1907 — July 13, 1954; born Mag­dalena...
Video: ‘What is the Current Direction of...
“Our World with Black Enter­prise”, hos­ted by Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, dis­cusses the cur­rent state of
Review: Homeboy Sandman (@HomeboySandman) Live...
Home­boy Sand­man once told us that he doesn’t “refer to hip hop as ‘The Game’”. As
APEX ZERO (@ApexZero00 ) ’ Absolute Zero ’...
Verse 1 I’m deliv­er­ing these deadly dark decap­it­at­ing darts Delet­ing rap­pers ratings Rip out...
Review: @AbstraktArtists Presents: Natty,...
Camden’s Jazz Café is prob­ably the best live music ven­ue in Lon­don, with it’s intim­ate vibe