Soundwave (@soundwavefest) Announces First Names for 2017


Return­ing for its 9th sea­son in 2017, Sound­wave takes place in the beau­ti­ful Garden Resort, a hid­den para­dise nestled along the Dal­ma­tian coastline.

The fest­iv­al is very proud to announce its ini­tial names per­form­ing in July, with the breadth of sub­lime sounds and styles indic­at­ive of how far its pal­ate reaches. And as one of the region’s longest run­ning events, the fest­iv­al con­tin­ues to build upon its unique found­a­tions, cul­tiv­at­ing an audi­ence from around the world seek­ing a dif­fer­ent kind of Adri­at­ic exper­i­ence, a blend of hol­i­day and fest­iv­al whose bound­ar­ies blur into a mes­mer­ising odyssey.

Through the sun-kissed days and sub­lime nights, Sound­wave weaves through broken beat, reg­gae, afro, house, disco and acid jazz, to hip-hop, soul, funk, drum and bass, vocal­ists, rap­pers and more, with a wide-open music­al atti­tude to its guests. It’s this eth­os which has helped set the fest­iv­al apart from many oth­ers across Europe, eschew­ing more com­mon beats and going it alone with a won­der­fully diverse aur­al selec­tion, explor­ing a range of music sel­dom heard in the Adri­at­ic region. And so the first Sound­wave artists revealed skip across many genres, set­ting the agenda for many more names to follow.

Sound­wave is incred­ibly proud to announce Roy Ayers will be head­lining live next sum­mer, the icon­ic Amer­ic­an funk, soul, and jazz a true liv­ing legend and pion­eer, with many amaz­ing tunes includ­ing Every­body Loves the Sun­shine, Searchin’ and Run­ning Away to his name. Now in his fourth dec­ade in the music busi­ness, Ayers is known as the God­fath­er of Neo-soul and brings his sub­lime voice to Sound­wave. Then there’s Gilles Peterson, one of the UK’s most ded­ic­ated DJs, broad­casters, pro­du­cers, com­pilers, record label bosses and avid record col­lect­ors, join­ing the dots between soul, hip-hop, house, Afro, Lat­in and elec­tron­ica. Next up at Sound­wave, hard-hit­ting jazz meets elec­tron­ica three piece GoGo Pen­guin; their trade­mark mash-up of min­im­al­ist piano themes, deeply propuls­ive bass lines and elec­tron­ica-inspired drums has seen them short­l­is­ted for the Mer­cury Prize and fuelled their exhil­ar­at­ing live shows from Manchester to Mon­tréal and Par­is to London.

Yusuf Kamal

Then some of the music’s bright­est inspir­a­tions drop in; Yussef Dayes and Kamaal Wil­li­ams (aka Henry Wu) form Yussef Kamaal, whose debut album Black Camp is drop­ping in Novem­ber has been heav­ily feted by Gilles Peterson him­self, fea­tures their enchant­ing music seguing across jungle, grime and broken beat. 80s New York elec­tro pion­eer Egyp­tian Lov­er also stars; the rap­per, DJ, and pro­du­cer is a sem­in­al fig­ure, draw­ing on everything from West Coast hip hop to his beloved elec­tro, using an all man­ner of equip­ment includ­ing an 808 in vari­ous com­bin­a­tions with turntables, a mic, vocoder, and SH-101 bass synth. And Josey Rebelle makes a very wel­come return to Sound­wave; her house and techno spans across time and space, ven­tur­ing into rare groove, soul and gar­age, the Rinse FM star a Croa­tian regular.

Next up, eclect­ic crate-dig­ging house and disco pur­vey­ors Horse Meat Disco bring their dance floor delight to Sound­wave, exper­i­ment­al­ist beat-maker MNDSGN, who grew up in south New Jer­sey, was raised with Gos­pel music at church and B‑Boy cul­ture at home to cre­ate his elec­tric Filipino hip-hop, and finally Bril­liant Corners’ Donna Leake com­pletes the open­ing billing, with many more names to follow.

Sound­wave will again be com­mis­sion­ing some of its favour­ite street artists and illus­trat­ors from across Europe to trans­form The Garden Resort into an even more visu­ally stun­ning set­ting. The much loved open air cinema exper­i­ence also returns, with its show­case of inde­pend­ent and Croa­tian film.

Blessed with crys­tal clear azure Adri­at­ic waters, sizz­ling sun­shine and star-lit night skies, the idyll­ic and intim­ate Garden Resort set­ting wel­comes a glob­al crowd of music lov­ers and adven­ture seekers to the beau­ti­ful town of Tisno, with lots of great places to stay and sump­tu­ous food and drink. The site itself has the incred­ible water-side beach bar, where you are so close to the sea you are almost dan­cing in it, and cosy curl of beach which looks out over the bay. The site’s main stage is a little way behind, per­fect for head­line acts, and nearby nestled under the can­opy of trees is the Olive Grove stage. It’s a beau­ti­ful loc­a­tion, everything built around nature, grow­ing like the envir­on­ment around it, rich with intim­acy and a sense of won­der. And a short drive away is the incred­ible Barbarella’s club, a fully open air space powered by Funkion One.

There’s snor­kelling, diving and fish­ing to enjoy, or a vis­it to the sur­round­ing islands is eas­ily accom­plished by rent­ing a small boat and a trip to one of the immensely beau­ti­ful nearby nation­al parks such as Krka and Kor­nati, with the his­tor­ic cit­ies of Zadar and Split close by too.


Thursday 27th – Monday 31st July 2017
@ The Garden Resort, Pet­rica Glava 34, 22240, Tisno, Croatia
Roy Ayers, Gilles Peterson, Go Go Pen­guin, Yussef Kamaal, Egyp­tian Lov­er, Josey Rebelle, Horse Meat Disco, MNDSGN, Donna Leake and many more to be revealed

Early birds tick­ets are £99 and advanced are £130 (club and boat parties extra) / @soundwavecro

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.