New Music : Yung Khan ‘Trouble’...
Here is an exclus­ive single from the up and com­ing rap artist Yung Khan. He been
Lowkey Interviews Venezuelan Community Activist...
Venezuela Viol­ence: UK/Iraqi Rap­per Lowkey Inter­views Venezuelan Com­munity Act­iv­ist Joel Linares...
Knowledge Sessions: Who Was Emmett Till?
The story of Emmett Till res­on­ates among the lives of Amer­ic­ans as the start of the
Event: @SoundcrashHQ Presents Yasiin Bey Live In...
Sound­crash Presents the live Hip Hop show of the year… YASI­IN BEY PER­FORMS CLAS­SIC MOS DEF WITH...
I am Hip Hop have teamed up with Empowered Self to provide upcom­ing artists with the
New Music: Tony Wilson & Lalya Pars ’...
New Orleans Rapper, channels past with police brutality, collaborates with London producer for dystopian concept...
Knowledge Sessions: Who Was Claudia Jones?
(15 Feb­ru­ary 1915—24 Decem­ber 1964) Founder of Bri­tain’s first black weekly news­pa­per “The...
New Music: Lowkey Ft Mai Khalil ’ Ahmed’...
Yes! Excited to see one of Hip Hop’s most influ­en­tial artists, polit­ic­al act­iv­ist, edu­cat­or and...
Event: Lowkey Returns To The UK Hip...
Lowkey is an award-win­ning rap­per, poet, play­wright and polit­ic­al act­iv­ist. Hav­ing gained huge acclaim...
Knowledge Session: The Life Of Chris Hani
  Chris Hani, born Mar­tin Them­bisile Hani (28 June 1942 – 10 April 1993) was the
New Music: Endemic Emerald & Skanks the Rap...
Endem­ic Emer­ald & Skanks the Rap Mar­tyr present their col­lab­or­a­tion album opus...
Interview: KRS-One (@iamKRSOne) Talks Hip Hop...
‘Rap is some­thing we do, hip hop is some­thing we live.’ Legendary hip hop per­former and pro­du­cer