
I am Hip Hop Magazine have teamed up with Sound­wave Croa­tia 2017 for an exclus­ive giveaway for our read­ers. WIN a pair of tick­ets to the Music fest­iv­al Sound­wave Croa­tia 2017! Simply email us at with the name of the act you are most excited to see. THE LINE UP IS BIG THIS YEAR… You do not want to miss this!

The sub­lime Sound­wave Fest­iv­al returns to the beau­ti­ful coastal idyll of Tisno this sum­mer, mark­ing its 9th sea­son in Croa­tia. Indic­at­ive of the long-run­ning event’s ambi­tion, Sound­wave has cur­ated its most inspired lineup ever, includ­ing genre-lead­ing live bands, icon­ic artists of immense repute, scene-defin­ing DJs and some of the new gen­er­a­tion of tal­ent burst­ing through the eth­er. As one of the region’s most revered and estab­lished fest­ivals, it is not rest­ing on even one laurel, with Soundwave’s heart beat­ing around music­al explor­a­tion in an odys­sey of the known and the unexpected.

Through the sun-kissed days and sul­try nights, Sound­wave segues across broken beat, reg­gae, afro, house, disco and acid jazz, to hip-hop, soul, funk, drum and bass and more, with a wide-open music­al atti­tude to its guests. Such a vibrantly open music­al approach, explor­ing a range of music sel­dom heard in the Adri­at­ic region, has cul­tiv­ated a dis­tinctly dif­fer­ent audi­ence from across the world; if any­thing, Sound­wave is a beatif­ic hol­i­day exper­i­ence with an amaz­ing music soundtrack, blend­ing the two togeth­er as one.

Hav­ing already revealed their most adven­tur­ous and ambi­tious lineup to date, Sound­wave is now very proud to announce its series of 13 boat parties tak­ing place in July. The shim­mer­ing waters of the immense Adri­at­ic form the back­drop to the fest­iv­al, with The Garden’s gently slop­ing site lead­ing all the way to its pristine beach. Wheth­er it’s the incan­des­cent sun’s rays glit­ter­ing on the sur­face by day or the lumin­ous face of the moon and stars by night, the voy­ages are simply an essen­tial ele­ment of Sound­wave, whose rich­ness and diversity spreads across the sound­scape; cov­er­ing broken beat, reg­gae, afro to acid jazz, hip-hop, soul, funk, drum and bass and more, the fest­iv­al is a har­mo­ni­ous and beatif­ic escape which seam­lessly merges a sub­lime hol­i­day and music­al escape like no oth­er. The voy­ages take place dur­ing the day and night, and tick­ets are on sale now.

Blessed with crys­tal-clear azure Adri­at­ic waters, sizz­ling sun­shine and star-lit night skies, the idyll­ic and intim­ate Garden Resort set­ting wel­comes a glob­al crowd of music lov­ers and adven­ture seekers to the beau­ti­ful town of Tisno, with lots of great places to stay and sump­tu­ous food and drink. The site itself has the incred­ible water-side beach bar, where you are so close to the sea you are almost dan­cing in it, and cosy curl of beach which looks out over the bay. The site’s main stage is a little way behind, per­fect for head­line acts, and nearby nestled under the can­opy of trees is the Olive Grove stage. It’s a beau­ti­ful loc­a­tion, everything built around nature, grow­ing like the envir­on­ment around it, rich with intim­acy and a sense of won­der. And a short drive away is the incred­ible Barbarella’s club, a fully open air space powered by Funkion One.

There’s snor­kelling, diving and fish­ing to enjoy, or a vis­it to the sur­round­ing islands is easy by rent­ing a small boat and a trip to one of the immensely beau­ti­ful nearby nation­al parks such as Krka and Kor­nati, with the his­tor­ic cit­ies of Zadar and Split close by too.

Thursday 27th – Monday 31st July 2017
@ The Garden Resort, Pet­rica Glava 34, 22240, Tisno, Croatia
Laura Mvula,  The Phar­cyde, Roy Ayers, Gilles Peterson, GoGo Pen­guin, Roni Size,  Horse Meat Disco, Egyp­tian Lov­er, Yussef Kam­mal, Josey Rebelle, Mndsgn, Sadar Bahar, Moses Boyd: Solo X, Alex­an­der Nut, Mr Thing, Mall Grab, Med­lar, Chaos In The CBD, Ross From Friends, Con­tours, Anchor­song, Chil­dren of Zeus, Werkha, Donna Leake (Bril­liant Corners), Lay­full­stop, Mount Nakara, Dulahi,  No Fakin’ DJs, Mr Dor­is, Gilla and Bobbafat

Tick­ets are £129 + book­ing fee (club and boat parties extra) / @soundwavecro

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.