
Fresh Island announce anoth­er round of inter­na­tion­al super­stars to per­form on the beach in Croa­tia this sum­mer includ­ing head­liner and ‘Black Beatles’ duo Rae Srem­murd along with the mighty Sean Paul and UK MCs Krept & Kon­an. The new addi­tions join pre­vi­ously announced French Montana, Lady Leshurr, Tim West­wood and Jazzy Jeff for the fest­iv­al, which takes over the open air super clubs of Zrce beach for a sun-soaked week of hip-hop, grime and r&b. Tick­ets are incred­ible value at just €109 (around £92) and avail­able with more inform­a­tion at fresh-island.org.

Swae Lee and Slim Jxmmi, bet­ter known as the inim­it­able Rae Srem­murd, will be bring­ing their #Sremmlife brand to Fresh Island in 2017 much to the delight of the thou­sands of urb­an music fans that will be attend­ing. Hav­ing shot to fame with Bill­board num­ber 1 ‘No Type’ in 2015, the broth­ers are now an inter­na­tion­al phe­nomen­on and lay claim to hav­ing one of the biggest tracks in 2016 in the shape of ‘Black Beatles’, which spawned it’s very own vir­al phe­nomen­on with the man­nequin chal­lenge, which saw mil­lions of fans and celebrit­ies across the world tak­ing part.

Join­ing the Sremmlife broth­ers will be none oth­er than dance­hall legend and Grammy Award win­ning artist Sean Paul. Cur­rently set to storm the UK charts this with his col­lab­or­a­tion with Dua Lipa and ‘No Lie’, the Jamaic­an born inter­na­tion­al super­star will be bring­ing his wealth of hits to the beau­ti­ful shores of Zrce beach, ensur­ing that the fest­iv­it­ies have a car­ni­val atmo­sphere like no other.

Also announced are UK rap super­stars Krept & Kon­an, who have achieved huge inter­na­tion­al suc­cess thanks to their own unique brand of hip hop and grime. The Croy­don boys have seen a met­eor­ic rise to the main­stream thanks to their genre-defy­ing stand out hits such as ‘Freak Of The Week’ and will be sure to get the whole crowd jump­ing in time with the elec­tric stage pres­ence they’re so well known for.

They’ll all be join­ing already announced acts French Montana, Lady Leshurr, Jazzy Jeff and Tim West­wood and with many more still to be announced Fresh Island is set to be one of the most unmiss­able line-ups over the Sum­mer for all the urb­an music heads.

The UK’s finest crews will keep the party going through­out the week includ­ing Shore­bitch, Faded, Rilla, Cheese on Bread, Gold Teeth, Gin N Juice (Dub­lin), So Fresh So Clean and Rompa’s Reggea Shack along with Columbi­an-born duo The Men­en­dez Broth­ers and the newly added Pipe Dreamers.

Fresh Island will take over the open air clubs of Aquar­i­us, Kalypso, Papaya and Noa on Zrce beach, July 11th — 13th 2017 with pre and after parties through­out the rest of the week. The fest­iv­al has rap­idly become one of the most anti­cip­ated inter­na­tion­al hip-hop events of the year and over the years has attrac­ted vis­it­ors from all over the world to wit­ness per­form­ances from the likes of Snoop Dogg, Nas, Rick Ross, Mobb Deep, Chris Brown, Red­man & Meth­od Man, Eve, Action Bron­son, Stormzy, JME and many more. See the offi­cial 2016 after movie here to see what went down in 2016.

As well as deliv­er­ing an line-up of world-class tal­ent each year, Fresh Island also offers incred­ible value. On sale now early bird 3‑day tick­ets for 2017 start at just €109 (around £92), early bird VIP tick­ets are sold out but a new round of VIP tick­ets have been released start­ing at €299 (around £256). Flights to Zagreb from Lon­don are cur­rently at £147 (prices cor­rect as of 25th Jan 2017 for 10th — 14th July

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.