Inside the Mind of Rapper and Activist Marcel...
Q. First off thank you for the chance to inter­view. If pos­sible could you give us
Reflections on Materialism
Our lives are con­tinu­ously bom­barded with images; music, films, and fash­ion among a hun­dred dif­fer­ent...
Get To Know Razor (@Razorartist) !
Q. What lead you pick up the mic and start rapping? To be hon­est a lot
Exclusive Interview: Guerrilla Republik...
Q. Thank you for the chance to inter­view you all. Could you tell us who Guer­rilla
Review: Guerrilla Republik Scandinavia Recon Tour...
The Bull and Gate in Kentish town played host to Guer­rilla Repub­lik Scand­inavia. With a mix­ture
Review: Riots Reframed @VoiceOverTV1
  On Sat­urday 16th March ‘Riots Reframed’ had its premi­er screen­ing at Beth­nal Green York Hall.
Get to know Hasan Salaam (@HasanSalaam)
Q. 1. First off thank you for this inter­view. If pos­sible could you give us your
Crazy Haze THC (The Hardship Continues) EP Review
Crazy Haze THC (The Hard­ship Con­tin­ues) EP Review The title of the open­ing track “Be Dif­fer­ent”
Exclusive Interview With Olmeca (@Olmecaone)
I am Hip Hop magazine caught up with L.A’s Hip hop MC/Producer and act­iv­ist Olmeca whilst he
Get To Know Xidus Pain! (@XidusPain)
Q. What does your mc name Xidus Pain mean to you and how did you come
Exclusive Interview With Stic of Dead Prez
Q. Thank you for the chance to inter­view you. What where the main factors that lead
Akala Knowledge Is Power Tour
“Hip hop nev­er star­ted in 1975. This is Afric­an tra­di­tion that has man­aged to sur­vive through,