Get To Know Xidus Pain! (@XidusPain)

Q. What does your mc name Xidus Pain mean to you and how did you come up with the name? 

The name Xidus Pain has a lot dif­fer­ent mean­ings broken down it’s an acronym

Xidus Is Da Uni­ver­sal Soul­Jah Pos­sess­ing An Inter­na­tion­al Notion I chose this acronym because I don’t con­sider the music I make UK Hip Hop its just HipHop or bet­ter yet good inter­na­tion­al music because there’s far too much divi­sion with­in my Cul­ture caused by the media. I also believe in God (Elo­him) that’s why I chose to spell sol­dier as Soul Jah because my soul belongs to God and is not for sale.

For those that don’t know the mean­ing of the word Exodus/Xidus it means a depar­ture a move­ment so when I rap I con­sider it the Exodus of my Pain because I am in a relaxed state of mind and my pain leaves me when I rhyme. I see it as every­one has a way of deal­ing with their pain and the way I deal with mine is through music because it’s very thera­peut­ic and its food for the soul.

I came up with the name Xidus Pain when I and one of my good friends Gen­es­iz G who I work with music­ally used to battle rap a lot when we were young­er. Gen­es­iz used to start the battles and I’d fin­ish them so basic­ally he would start and I would make the oppon­ent depart by beat­ing them this was way over 10 years ago so now I feel the name has grown with me as I have matured spir­itu­ally & mentally.

Q.  As well as rap­ping you free­style. For people out there that would like to learn or improve their free­style skills what advice could you give them?

The first bit of advice I would give to any­one about free­style is to do their research on the true defin­i­tion of what Free­style is. I was taught that a Free­style is an impro­vised spon­tan­eous verse or a track which you make up on the spot instead of a pre-writ­ten verse no one has heard. The best way to improve at Free styl­ing is by prac­ti­cing as much as pos­sible and actu­ally being around oth­er artist which Free­style that you con­sider good. Anoth­er good tip is mak­ing sure you ask people ques­tions and dis­cip­line your­self if you keep repeat­ing words expand your vocab by read­ing in order to stay sharp.

Q.  You are part of a hip hop move­ment called Guer­rilla Repub­lik and a mem­ber of Hip Hop crew Chess Move Car­tel? Could you tell us a bit about each one and how you got involved with them?

Guer­rilla Repub­lik draws its inspir­a­tion from the first suc­cess­ful slave revolt in Haiti 1794, this rebel­lion exem­pli­fies unity, strength, determ­in­a­tion and the will of God. I got involved and became a part of Guer­rilla Repub­lik due to a friend intro­du­cing me to them and explain­ing what they stand for because I’m a big fan of unity, edu­ca­tion, com­munity work and know­ledge with­in HipHop I joined the move­ment .Big up to Rapt­iv­ist Cap­it­al X for hook­ing me up with all the Guer­rilla Repub­lik shows and Brent Lee Regan for intro­du­cing me to their work salute.

Chess Move Car­tel is a crew of Hip Hop artist, pro­du­cers, Dj’s from mainly the UK and US who got togeth­er because of their love of Hip Hop as an art form. Chess Move Car­tel has mem­bers and close affil­i­ations with artist such as Alchem­ist, Mr Green, Craig G,Young Zee, DJ Grazzhoppa, Pace Won, Just Blaze, Record Kingz AkA Juilano Cre­at­or and Jabba Tha Kut . A massive shout out to my broth­er Shad­owstar Box­er who is also a big part of Chess Move Car­tel and Oliv­er Twist for hook­ing me up with the crew.

Q. You have worked with Grand­mas­ter Melle Mel and The Suga Hill Gang. How where both these exper­i­ences for you? 

Suga Hill Gang & Grand­mas­ter Melle Mel were my ment­ors they gave me advice and told me stor­ies as I chilled with them for the day and night as a teen­ager at The Junc­tion in Cam­bridge. I felt really blessed because I got to watch them rehearse, ask them ques­tions spit raps with them and then per­form the full ver­sion of Rap­pers Delight at their live show after being pulled up on stage by Melle Mel who also gave me his micro­phone so I could rap along. The whole exper­i­ence was amaz­ing and I thank God I got to spend time with some humble down to earth Hip Hop legends.

Q. Where do you draw your inspir­a­tion from when writ­ing your lyrics? 

I draw my inspir­a­tion to write from Life exper­i­ences, what I see, what I’ve seen, what I read, polit­ics, movies, car­toons and doc­u­ment­ar­ies, com­puter games and people I meet so basic­ally everything inspires me.

Q. Lastly what new pro­jects can we expect from Xidus Pain in the further? 

I have just released a new pro­ject called Sleep­less Cypher which is avail­able on Rhyme Pad Records it’s just an all-out Hip Hop pro­ject with nice rhymes and some real soul­ful beats myself and fel­low Peter­bor­ough nat­ive Moses touch on dif­fer­ent top­ics and we bring you the listen­ers into our Cypher. I also have 2 tracks on the Rock­Fresh album Super­im­posed head phones which fea­tures a whole host of artist like Life MC, Craig.G, Kenn Starr, Mic­all Parkn­sun and many more and it’s a free down load so make sure you go get that. I will be doing some work with a lot dif­fer­ent artist such as clas­sic­al pian­ist AyseDen­iz Gok­cin, Key­board­ist Don Airey who’s played with the likes of Black Sab­bath & Deep Purple, Indie band We Are Fic­tion, DJ Nappa(Phil Life Cypher) , S‑Class Aka Stakka Lyr­ics from Del­eg­ates Of Cul­ture, Cappo, myself and Hemp­stead New York MC Smoovth are both going to work on a joint pro­ject and there’s plenty more in store as well.

Arash Shari­fi

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Arash Sharifi

Arash has been pas­sion­ate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, edu­cate and empower people to become bet­ter ver­sions of them­selves and help and sup­port their com­munity and oth­ers. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teach­er to us all.

About Arash Sharifi

Arash has been passionate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, educate and empower people to become better versions of themselves and help and support their community and others. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teacher to us all.

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