Video + Lyrics: Revolution 2.0 (@ExposureOrg ) #Rev2point0

We live in a world where more than a mil­lion people com­mit sui­cide every year; an over­whelm­ing major­ity of people hate their jobs; the lead­ing cause of death is stress related; what it costs to erad­ic­ate world hun­ger (30 bil­lion accord­ing to the UN) is spent with­in just a few weeks on war and mil­it­ary; super­i­or treat­ments for can­cer are sup­pressed because it is a multi-bil­lion dol­lar industry; where gov­ern­ments are in unre­cov­er­able amounts of debt to private banks, yet always ‘magic­ally’ have money for more war but can’t seem to find the funds to help the needy; where more leg­al drugs kill people than illeg­al ones; where more human beings are phys­ic­ally enslaved than at any point in human his­tory; where you are more likely to be killed by a cop than a so-called ter­ror­ist; and where gov­ern­ments use our money as they please, for the most part, through taxes which are enforced by threat of viol­ence or imprisonment.

We live in a world where we are the only spe­cies that pays to live here; where people are too busy arguing about who cre­ated the world instead of try­ing to stop those who are des­troy­ing it; where our mon­et­ary sys­tem is delib­er­ately based on debt and is backed by abso­lutely noth­ing; where TV brain­washes us to be mind­less con­sumers chas­ing mater­i­al­ism; sup­port­ing mod­ern day imper­i­al­ism and wor­ship­ing celebrit­ies; while politi­cians, cor­por­a­tions and bankers con­tin­ue their ‘busi­ness’ unabated; and that ‘busi­ness’ is des­troy­ing our plan­et and the lives of mil­lions of inno­cent and good people.

We live in a world where people are more con­cerned with some celebrity act­ing like a cir­cus show than we are about a third world war which will have unfathom­able ramifications.

The world is so messed up, it doesn’t even know what nor­mal is because this is not nor­mal, people. Stop expect­ing author­ity to con­firm this for you, because our ignor­ance is their power. And on the con­trary our know­ledge is their weak­ness. Once we self-edu­cate anoth­er world is possible!

We are here to cre­ate a new world, not con­form or try to be ‘nor­mal’…
The Ideal­ist


Good even­ing and wel­come. My name is Gil Scott-Her­on. We’d like to do a poem for you called, The Revolu­tion Will Not Be Tele­vised; primar­ily because it won’t be.

You will not be able to stay home, brother.
You will not be able to roll up, light up, and burn.
You will not be able to lose your­self on skunk
And skip out for a beer dur­ing commercials,
Because the revolu­tion will not be televised.
The revolu­tion will not be televised.
The revolu­tion will not be brought to you by Fox News.
In four parts, with ads you can skip in five seconds.
The revolu­tion will not show you pic­tures of George Bush blow­ing a bugle
And lead­ing a charge by Hank Paulson, Alan Green­span and Ben Bernanke
To dish out food stamps after you defaul­ted on your subprime loans.
The revolu­tion will not be televised.
The revolu­tion will not be brought to you by Netflix.
And will not star Jen­nifer Lawrence
And Tom Cruise or Sponge­bob and the Fresh Prince.
The revolu­tion will not give you wings.
The revolu­tion will not obey your thirst.
The revolu­tion will not melt in your mouth.
Because the revolu­tion will not be tele­vised, sister.
There will be no pic­tures of you and Gareth Bale
Mak­ing off from Tot­ten­ham with all the loot.
Or try­ing to slide that flat screen TV away from a burn­ing bus.
ITV will not be count­ing your votes to decide the win­ner of X‑Factor.
The revolu­tion will not be televised.
There will be no pic­tures of pigs shoot­ing down broth­ers caught on CCTV.
There will be no pic­tures of pigs shoot­ing down broth­ers caught on CCTV.
There will be no pic­tures of Juli­an Assange, cooped up in Lon­don for wiki-leak­ing all their secrets.
There will be no slow motion or still life of Edward Snowden,
Strolling through Moscow in a Guy Fawkes mask that he has been sav­ing for just the prop­er occasion.
Dr. Who, Down­ton Abbey and The Walk­ing Dead will no longer be so damned relevant,
And people will not care who Kim Kar­dashi­an’s next on screen hump will be.
Because the 99% will be in the street look­ing for a bright­er day.
The revolu­tion will not be televised.
There will be no high­lights on the BBC.
And no pic­tures of Occupy protest­ors and Kate Middleton hold­ing the baby.
The theme song will not be writ­ten by John Wil­li­ams or Hans Zimmer,
Nor sung by Miley Cyr­us, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Lady Gaga or One Direction.
The revolu­tion will not be televised.
The revolu­tion will not start in 30 seconds,
After a mes­sage about rich foods, rich banks, or rich people.
You will not have to worry about the plastic in your wallet,
The shell in your tank, or the tiger in your cer­eal bowl.
The revolu­tion will not go bet­ter with Coke.
The revolu­tion will not be fin­ger lickin’ good.
The revolu­tion will put you in the driver­’s seat.
The revolu­tion will not be tele­vised, will not be tele­vised, will not be tele­vised, will not be televised.
The revolu­tion will be no re-run broth­ers and sisters;
The revolu­tion will be live.

The jour­ney to justice continues…
What role will you play?

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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