New Music: Consensus ‘ConCERNed’
Con­sensus is a south Lon­don based lyr­i­cist and pro­du­cer. “Con­CERNed” is his latest pro­ject and it
New Music: Cyclonious (@Cyclonious) ‘What’s...
With the cur­rent pan­de­moni­um we have been exper­i­en­cing and wit­ness­ing the past few weeks, this song
DB BROS Records (@DBBROSRECORDS) Release...
On May 5th this year DB Bros Records, the first music label 100% ded­ic­ated to reg­gae
Apex Zero builds with Bronze Nazareth...
Apex Zero builds with  Wu-Ele­ments mem­ber and The Wise­men founder Bronze Naz­areth after his show at
Review: End Of The Weak (@eodub) London Emcee...
On 27 April, the first heat of the 2017 End of the Weak Lon­don Emcee Chal­lenge
New Music: Ashem ‘Hip Hop Ashtrumentals’
Pro­du­cer Ashem releases new instru­ment­al album ‘Hip Hop Ashtru­ment­als’. In his own words: “I...
EXCLUSIVE Interview: Hasan Salaam (@HasanSalaam)...
Has­an Salaam has had a repu­ta­tion as an intel­lec­tu­al, polit­ic­al agit­at­or, rad­ic­al edu­cat­or...
Review: Jedi Mind Tricks (@jmthiphop) Live At...
“A lot of emcees…a lot of rap­pers out there, you know, they lucky to spit one
New Music: Silas Zephania ‘The Soul Of A...
The music answers the call for ori­gin­al lyr­i­cism in an age where the art of rhym­ing
New Music: Cyclonious ‘STFU’
The ‘Nat­ur­al Dis­aster’ Cyc­lo­ni­ous, is back and he is releas­ing his first single ‘STFU’ taken...
Review: Ghetts (@Therealghetts) Celebrates Ghetto...
I walked into the Round­house, Cam­den on a chap­pin’ Monday night, Janu­ary 30th 2017. Went in