EXCLUSIVE Interview: Hasan Salaam (@HasanSalaam) In The Hot Seat…


Has­an Salaam has had a repu­ta­tion as an intel­lec­tu­al, polit­ic­al agit­at­or, rad­ic­al edu­cat­or and potent emcee for a long time now. More recently though, espe­cially fol­low­ing his latest and now open ven­ture into adult enter­tain­ment, he has become a lot more polar­ising. The dif­fer­ence now is that this latest divide may mostly be between those who have been on the sup­port­ive side of the divide his rebel­li­ous, anti-estab­lish­ment music had pre­vi­ously cre­ated. I Am Hip Hop spoke to the Viper Record label-mate of Immor­tal Tech­nique before his latest show in Lon­don, which was the night before a work­shop he ran on ‘The Art of Seduc­tion’ with his part­ner Jet Set­ting Jas­mine. In this in-depth inter­view, Has­an opens up about his child­hood, grow­ing up mixed-race in the USA, his father’s sub­stance abuse, his travels to Guinea-Bis­sau, his career in porn, seduction/fetish train­ing, sexu­al repression/liberation, fit­ness, the cur­rent polit­ic­al cli­mate and, of course, his music.


Has­an Salaam on travel, being mixed race & his dif­fi­cult childhood 


Has­an Salaam on his career in porn & sexu­al repression/liberation 


Has­an Salaam on Trump, Walls & Mak­ing Change 


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Apex Zero

An emcee, beat­maker, film­maker and writer from Lon­don with Gren­adian roots, Apex Zero has spent his life learn­ing and liv­ing Hip Hop cul­ture, using it to inspire and affect change. Based in Beijing for a few years and reg­u­larly tour­ing the globe, Apex is well trav­elled, and uses the les­sons this provides to inform his art and out­look. He is a mem­ber of the Glob­al­Fac­tion digit­al pro­duc­tion house and the inter­na­tion­al Hip Hop col­lect­ive End of the Weak.

About Apex Zero

An emcee, beatmaker, filmmaker and writer from London with Grenadian roots, Apex Zero has spent his life learning and living Hip Hop culture, using it to inspire and affect change. Based in Beijing for a few years and regularly touring the globe, Apex is well travelled, and uses the lessons this provides to inform his art and outlook. He is a member of the GlobalFaction digital production house and the international Hip Hop collective End of the Weak.