Review: Cormega (@Iamcormega) Live At Chip Shop...
Queensbridge’s finest – Cor­mega was return­ing to the Brix­ton Chip Shop to launch his new book,
Review: END OF THE WEAK LDN (@eodub) HEAT 4
Heat 4 of the 2017 EOW Lon­don Emcee chal­lenge was the oppos­ite of heat 3. I
Review: THE LAST POETS Supported by Poetic...
THE LAST POETS Sup­por­ted by Poet­ic Pilgrimage Jazz Café Camden Sunday 20th August 2017 “First of all,
Review: End Of The Weak UK (@eodub) HEAT 3...
This review’s gonna be kinda mad…it’s kinda of my own event! 29th June 2017 marked the third
Review: Raghu Dixit Project (@trdp) Live...
Raghu Dixit Pro­ject @ The Gar­age — Wed­nes­day 26th July — Gig Review It’s a grey
Review: London Posse (@London_Posse) Live...
[Photo Cred­it: Nico via Doc­tors Orders Gallery] Sunday 21st May 2017 was a his­tor­ic­al day for
Nas, 02 Leeds Academy 06 July 2017 The King of Queens was back in the UK on
Review: Confucius MC & Mr Brown...
Hip Hop music has matured into a glob­ally accep­ted form of indi­vidu­al­ist­ic, beau­ti­ful expres­sion....
Review: Endemic Emerald (@EndemicEmerald) &...
Since the decline of the CD and the rise of iTunes and spo­ti­fy, I would be
Detroit Techno: a look back on Omar‑S
Few people know that house music was cre­ated in Chica­go as a rein­ven­tion of disco. Even
Review: Black Motion (@black_motion) and South...
Whilst the drum pat­terns found in West­ern House music have become repet­it­ive over the years, those
Apex Zero builds with Bronze Nazareth...
Apex Zero builds with  Wu-Ele­ments mem­ber and The Wise­men founder Bronze Naz­areth after his show at