Review: Pharoahe Monch (@pharoahemonch) Live At...
Photo Cred­it: Phar­oahe Monch Facebook As a ded­ic­ated Hip Hop head and emcee, I pride myself
Review: KRS One At The Garage — London!...
Check out our foot­age from the night and relive the experience! ...
Review: Immortal Technique Live At The Royal...
(Pho­to­graphy By Arash Sharifi) On Sunday 16th June 2013 the US rap­per and act­iv­ist Immor­tal Tech­nique
Review: ‘The Classroom and the Cell,...
The Classroom and the Cell, Con­ver­sa­tions on Black Life in America. By Mumia Abu-Jamal and Marc
Review: ZooNation’s ‘Some Like It...
Hip Hop is more than a music­al genre, it’s an artist­ic form of expres­sion found through
Review: Talib Kweli (@TalibKweli) Live At...
The show was star­ted with the DJ mix­ing an unusu­al blend of Hip Hop clas­sics mixed
Review: SELVSSE (@SELVSSE) ‘Needs — Sasha...
Intro­du­cing Selvsse. Hail­ing from South Lon­don with inter­na­tion­al roots, this young pro­du­cer has been...
AP2P All Power To The People Tour London
Last Thursday 23rd May Brix­ton Jamm played host to AP2P aka M.1 from Dead Prez and
Review: A Reckoning — De La Soul @...
Pho­to­graph­er: Aimee Valinski Much like an adolescent’s quiet accept­ance of cor­rec­tion admin­istered by a...
Review: Hustlers Convention With Jalal Of The...
Pho­to­graphy By: Rae Smith  Chuck D once described the ground break­ing and genre-cre­at­ing but largely...
Review: @MissBabySol — ‘The Future’ feat...
In this mod­ern world, music with a mes­sage is a must! And The Future by Miss
Review: B‑Boy Championships World Finals 2013...
Hos­ted by the legendary Crazy Legs (who didn’t fail to keep us enter­tained), The BBOY Cham­pi­on­ships