Review: SELVSSE (@SELVSSE) ‘Needs — Sasha Keable Rework’

Intro­du­cing Selvsse. Hail­ing from South Lon­don with inter­na­tion­al roots, this young pro­du­cer has been bub­bling on the under­ground scene for a num­ber of years hav­ing pro­duced tracks for some of Lon­don’s most cre­at­ive hip hop artisans.

It’s Nate, Thaimat­ic and Emarr are just a few on the loc­al rap scene to have been blessed with his icon­ic sound and now new music group, Boutique Groove, are the latest to receive a taste of Selvsse’s son­ic alchemy.

So here is a rework of Sasha Keable’s debut single, Care­less Over You, avail­able to listen to on Sound­cloud. The ori­gin­al is a com­bin­a­tion of Neo soul and elec­tro pop which Selvsse has expertly re-craf­ted into a knock­ing mel­low hip hop banger.

Hope you all enjoy and catch the track live and loud at Boutique Groove’s debut event on March 22nd at Num­ber 90.



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About Ranako

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