Review: Versus (@VsOfficialMusic) — SunBathe

The super wavy sum­mery synths that start off Sun­Bathe announce a pro­gress­ively expans­ive yet mel­low hip-hop pro­duc­tion cre­ated by mys­ter­i­ous East Lon­don pro­du­cer Versus. And it’s debut on Boutique Groove is a sign of his sound devel­op­ing into an exper­i­ence which cre­ates vibes without the need for vocals.

An over­whelm­ing feel­ing of fun exudes from this tune and cre­ates men­tal images of head bop­ping and two step­ping around a BBQ whilst sip­ping cold ones in the midst of a cool pool party some­where in Miami; the vibe of Versus’ music is always mood set­ting, wheth­er that be a more dra­mat­ic the­at­ric­al sound or in this case he’s cre­ated an ambi­ent instru­ment­al that lends itself to being enjoyed as a soundtrack for a hot day.

Both uplift­ing, cha­ris­mat­ic and a bass banger all in one, Sun­Bathe is cer­tain to help push Versus’ name out into the hip-hop sphere even more. He is cur­rently work­ing with refresh­ing Lon­don rap­ping Trip­ster Che-Lingo so be sure to stay locked for their col­lab­or­a­tion com­ing real soon. The sounds com­ing out of West­wood Hill Stu­di­os, Vs Music’s own pro­duc­tion house, range from hip hop to soul and indie and he has more tracks to come over the course of this year with artists such as Geor­gia Cope­land and Tom Gren­nan that’ll show off the extent of the tal­ent this young pro­du­cer has.

So enjoy Sun Bathe and be sure to stay locked to Boutique Groove for more sweet beats for your sum­mer selection!


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About Ranako

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