For a show that was announced with rel­at­ively short notice and quite a steep price tag, com­pared to pre­vi­ous Yasi­in Bey shows I’ve atten­ded over the last two decades.

The artist formerly known as Mos Def was the most rel­ev­ant he’s been in over two decades.
Rid­ing the wave of his recent (from seem­ingly out of nowhere) back n forth with one of the biggest pop stars on the plan­et Drizzy Drake, where he accused the later of not being a legit Hip Hop artist.

Yasi­in Bey arrived onstage to a sur­pris­ingly full Round­house, a ven­ue which is not tra­di­tion­ally asso­ci­ated with Hip Hop shows.

The highly motiv­ated MC was masked up glow­ing with his unique cha­risma, a bul­let proof Press vest and his sig­na­ture Sure Super 55 Microphone.
Addi­tion­al quirks includ­ing his bird calls, drop­ping rose petals across the stage and spin­ning in circles.

It seems as though Mos has opened the flood gates, mak­ing it accept­able for rap­pers to per­form oth­er rap­pers cata­logues when they tire of per­form­ing their own music.

This really worked. The audi­ence loved hear­ing Bey per­form clas­sic DOOM tracks from “Mad­vil­lainy” “Oper­a­tion Dooms­day” “MM… Food albums and more!!

Yasi­in flipped the script to per­form some of his own clas­sic verses over DOOM’s rad­ic­al pro­duc­tion whilst sneak­ing in a couple unre­leased exclusives…

For what was truly a unique show from the per­spect­ive of someone who had seen Yasi­in Bey per­form a num­ber of times over the years this was a really refreshing.

Bril­liant performance.


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Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )