Spoken Word + Lyrics: ‘EDUCATION’ By...
‘Edu­ca­tion’ by Rohun Batra (Pro­duced by ShoXstar)...
Cops (Product Of The Environment) By Eric...
Cops (Product Of The Environment) Hold the cul-de-sac hostage You nig­gers won’t prosper While I’m...
Poetry: Sista Lyric (@SistaLyric ) ‘Split...
Split decition Inspir­a­tion, ded­ic­a­tion, exclam­a­tion; a state­ment made with a recipe legendary. Quite...
Introducing… Humble The Poet! (@humblethepoet)
It’s always a priv­ilege meet­ing an artist who is keep­ing the fun­da­ment­al roots of Hip Hop
Introducing Adam KG! (@adamkhangill)
I Am Hip Hop’s Lana Bell(9_lanabell) caught up with sev­en­teen year old spoken word per­former and
Poetry: Revolution by Azad Kamall
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QZNz6pwKoo[/youtube]   REVOLU­TION So far this glob­al reces­sion has...
Spokenword: Better Economy by Caleb Femi...
Bet­ter Economy How do you expect a boy to be loved In a place where the strongest
Poetry: ‘Reasons’ By Hermione Cameron...
Reas­ons Some­times I think people have reas­ons, and some­times reas­ons not I myself, a reason­er, hid...
The World’s Oceans.. Poetry from Virginia
  World’s oceans are no less than what your lungs deserve   I’ve heard that the
Video: Arms Trade by I & Ideal (@IdealArtist)
The arms trade.. Are paid.. To be selling, Destruct­ive weapons that are made.. To them its invest­ments,...
An Education of Discrimination — Spoken Word by...
Lon­don based — spoken word artist  JJ ‘Com­pass’ expresses a needed truth ! An Edu­ca­tion of...
I Am by @Esoteric_Poetry
I Am … I am… a con­tinu­ously evolving imper­fect work in pro­gress, attain­ing cor­rec­tion of my