Knowledge Session: Speech By Stokely Carmichael,...
Soon after he was named chair­man of the Stu­dent Non-Viol­ent Coördin­at­ing Com­mit­tee (SNCC), Stokely...
Emancipate Yourselves From Mental Slavery:...
Vir­tu­ous Media have brought out their power­ful doc­u­ment­ary ‘Empower’. The doc­u­ment­ary series aims...
Hip-Hop’s Re-Definitions — Code &...
The Refin­i­tions The Temple of Hip-Hop uses the term Refin­i­tions as simply a word that means
Why You Shouldn’t believe Social Media News...
You’re brows­ing your timeline, cas­u­ally while wait­ing for a friend and sud­denly – BAM!! A head­line
All About You Mentor Scheme
Sign up today to me matched with a one to one ment­or to help guide you
Hip Hop and the ‘I have a Dream Speech’
We begin a ser­i­ous study of Hip Hop Kul­ture with Dr Mar­tin Luth­er King Jr. The
Interview: Using The Arts To Tackle Mental...
Pro­file  Name: Harry Age: 23 Occu­pa­tion: Youth Work­er & Poet Hob­bies: Net­flix & chill,...
Interview With Eddie Clark From The Palestine...
I am Hip Hop’s Lana Bell inter­viewed Bris­tol based Eddie Clark from the Palestine Museum.We talk...
Interview With The Founder Of Urban Lawyers Tunde...
Urb­an law­yers is a Lon­don based organ­isa­tion that works with loc­al com­munit­ies, agen­cies and law...
Knowledge Sessions: Who Was Emmett Till?
The story of Emmett Till res­on­ates among the lives of Amer­ic­ans as the start of the
I am Hip Hop have teamed up with Empowered Self to provide upcom­ing artists with the
Knowledge Sessions: Who Was Claudia Jones?
(15 Feb­ru­ary 1915—24 Decem­ber 1964) Founder of Bri­tain’s first black weekly news­pa­per “The...