The Real Simba is climb­ing indie charts with his latest single and video “How I Move” avail­able on all major platforms.

The young, Jamaic­an New York­er deliv­ers a pulsat­ing track the defines his moves regard­ing money, music, and women.

As a young artist tak­ing over the NYC scene, The Real Simba pays no mind to those clap­ping their mouths and hat­ing on him. Let them keep talk­ing and move frantic­ally while this young King is mov­ing with heavy pock­ets lined with Gucci from head to toe.

The blend of knock­ing bass and strik­ing trap tones are sure to have music enthu­si­asts world­wide shak­ing and mov­ing through the streets right into the clubs. Watch “How I Move” and check out our exclus­ive inter­view below.

MJ:  Give every­one a brief back­ground on who Simba is.

Simba: “Simple Intel­lect Makes The Boy Amaz­ing” I was born and raised in Jamaica and came here when I was about 7, so I have a big reg­gae influ­ence. I landed in Mount Ver­non where I fell in love with Hip Hop cul­ture and since then I’ve been in love with music. I used to write poems then it evolved to songs, and a lot of my music is upbeat, fun, lov­ing, inspir­a­tion­al, and really heart­break­ing. I try to cov­er every aspect of me as a per­son and emo­tion­ally. But over­all, I’m just a fun-lov­ing kid from the ‘Ville with a dream, goal, pas­sion, and drive.

MJ:  You’re a young artist who cre­ated his own lane and carved a name for him­self in the music industry. Talk about that lad­der climb and some of your strategies along the way.

Simba: It’s tough to keep it real, it’s a lot of hard work and time that goes into my craft but also a lot of risks that must be taken. I’ve lost a lot of money from people say­ing they can do some­thing that they nev­er pro­duced. Work­ing with dif­fer­ent per­son­al­it­ies and bal­an­cing a social life is a struggle. but I devote my all to music because it’s my true passion.

MJ:  What are some chal­lenges and some perks com­ing up in an evolved realm of Hip Hop?

Simba: Hip Hop is more than music it’s a cul­ture, it’s a group of people and a life­style. The genre is plagued by some viol­ence, but I’ve shif­ted from that aspect and focused on fun up-tempo and inspir­a­tion­al music. Hip Hop made me who I am now and in turn, it allowed me to cre­ate and express my ideas, thoughts, and emotions.

MJ: I’ll get to what the fans want to know…“How I Move”, take us back to the thought, cre­ation, pro­duc­tion, to the final product of the single that is chart-topping!

Simba: Ohh man hahaha that was a good day I was actu­ally in the club dan­cing and some girl came up to me with a bottle she lit­er­ally said” I like how you move.” I kept say­ing that over and over because it was just so funny and crazy. Then later that week I heard a beat and those same words came back to me and that’s where it began and took off. I ended up writ­ing the entire song that day. Now I’ve just been on the road work­ing and pro­mot­ing the track and video and I’ve been get­ting so much love.

MJ: What are some pro­jects in the works or upcom­ing endeavors you can share?

Simba: I’ve got some good stuff com­ing for the people that sup­port me as a per­son and my music. “Handle With Care “is an R&B pro­ject that I’m work­ing on that’s going to really put people in their feel­ings. “Dreams of the Sky” is a mire motiv­a­tion pro­ject but also very upbeat, raw, and gritty.  There are some oth­er secret pro­jects I’m work­ing on but y’all just going to have to stay tuned…

Con­nect with The Real Simba on  FACE­BOOK   INS­TAGRAM  TWIT­TER 

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!