Interview: Talking Psych Rap With The Difference Machine @DiffMachine

Rap­per DT and pro­du­cer Dr. Con­spir­acy are Atlanta psy­che­del­ic hip hop group The Dif­fer­ence Machine. Now present­ing the Mys­tery School remix of “New Pharaoh”, the lead single from The Psy­che­del­ic Sounds Of The Remix Machine. The “Pharaoh” remix comes cour­tesy of Jack­son­ville, FL producer/rapper Paten Locke, best known for his work with Edan and Dillon. 

I Am Hip-Hop magazine report­er John Glynn bring us an exclus­ive inter­view with DT and Dr Conspiracy.

Q. Your music­al style is a blend of psy­che­del­ic rock and hip-hop; in both genres, who are your biggest influ­ences and why?

The Dif­fer­ence Machine has tons of influ­ences. Many are not music related. We are inspired by the uni­ver­sal laws of the cos­mos and men­tal alchemy. Music­ally it ranges from Hendrix to 13th Floor Elev­at­ors to Out­kast. Bjork and P Funk. Soft Machine and Portishead. All over really, but those stand out right now.

Q. If you could con­vey one single mes­sage through your music, what would it be?

The only thing you know to be real is you

Q. Dr. Con­spir­acy, why won’t you reveal your true iden­tity? (If you tell us, we won’t tell anybody 

Dr. Con­spir­acy won’t even answer this ques­tion so I (DT) will try and answer it. He believes that all is a ruse includ­ing his phys­ic­al form and per­son­al iden­tity. He does not want people to con­fuse his appear­ance with his inner work­ings. Plus hes paranoid.

Q. Are you excited by the cur­rent state of music, why or why not? 

We would­n’t say excited neces­sar­ily, but it does seem that risk tak­ing is com­ing back into the fold which is a very good thing. Music has been pretty safe recently.

Q. Con­spir­acy and DT, did you guys battle each oth­er at Mic Club (the his­tor­ic hip-hop event hos­ted by D.R.E.S. tha BEAT­nik)? If yes, who came out on top? If not, which per­former most excited you, and why? 

Well since we are actu­ally a part of some sen­tient beings that share the same brain wave we haven’t. It would be like the right side of the brain bat­tling the left. But the Con­spir­acy side has won a few beat battles there, and the DT side has won a few emcee battles as well. Apache is a great run­way to prac­tice your take off and land­ing skills. His­tor­ic place.

Q. “Psy­cho­logy,” your first single, is a favor­ite of mine, which track are you most proud of? 

This is gonna sound pre­ten­tious but prob­ably the one we haven’t made yet. The one that has escaped us thus far. Songs like “Psy­cho­logy” make us see the poten­tial power of what we can do togeth­er in the future. It shows us that if we can ever really get it right, that we can make a song that we will both think is per­fect. “Clocks” may be that. Time will tell…

Q. Some crit­ics have said that they don’t really under­stand the dir­ec­tion of your sound, how would you respond to them? 

We don’t know what the dir­ec­tion is either . lol. And that’s fun. There are no rules in music. We don’t have any at least. I (DT) per­son­ally believe that wheth­er we inten­tion­ally try to drive a mes­sage or not the high­er forces will guide us in a dir­ec­tion. I just think that when you go into listen­ing to our record with the mind­set of look­ing for a point, you might miss the point.

Q. Lastly, you can have 3 celebrit­ies over for din­ner, who would they be (dead or alive) & why?

Roky Erick­son cause he was boss and seemed inter­est­ing. Andre 3000 because he is an ali­en. Aannnnnddddd.….hmmmmm.…. Mort Gar­son maybe. He was a genius.

Inter­view By John Glynn


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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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