TEMPLE by Belinda Zhawi (@MamoyoBornFree)

Belinda Zhawi is def­in­itely the poet to see per­form. This is her poem ‘Temple’. Very recently she has been on Chan­nel 4 ‘Ran­dom Acts’.



I was once a shut door.

Heavy, darkened oak.

My body did not belong to me,

like I thought it did.

My legs, con­crete pillars –

feet anchored into the ground.

A red brick fort­ress of stones

tightly stacked into each other.

A head full of noise

like rain on cor­rug­ated iron.


They say bod­ies are temples,

entit­ies made for worship.

Mine has known trespassers;

Heretics and thieves.

They threw pet­rol bombs

through the windows.

Even with me lit, licked in flames,

they still wanted to break in.



that picked at my eyes

down to the sock­et holes.

Ran­sacked and fled,

left my mouth redecorated;

coated in the dry taste of sodium.


I’m still flam­ing brick walls,

flag­rant and blue.

With a heat that reminds me daily

that my body still doesn’t belong to me

like I thought it did.





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Lana Bell

Author / Poetry Edit­or at I Am Hip-Hop 
Lana Bell, is an eight­een year old Lon­don­er who is based in Bris­tol. She is an emer­ging Spoken Word Artist, and the Poetry Edit­or for I Am Hip-Hop Magazine. She has been writ­ing for a dec­ade; though she has only been per­form­ing on from the age of fif­teen. She got into Hip-Hop music at four­teen, and she found a massive interest in Old Skl Sounds and the out­let that Hip-Hop music offered her.

About Lana Bell

Lana Bell, is an eighteen year old Londoner who is based in Bristol. She is an emerging Spoken Word Artist, and the Poetry Editor for I Am Hip-Hop Magazine. She has been writing for a decade; though she has only been performing on from the age of fifteen. She got into Hip-Hop music at fourteen, and she found a massive interest in Old Skl Sounds and the outlet that Hip-Hop music offered her.

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