New Music: Kropz ‘Walk With Me’
Kropz is a Lon­don based con­scious lyr­i­cist who’s main focus is that of bring­ing a mes­sage
I Am Hip Hop Issue 4 Out Now!
No Bounds is proud to announce the release of the 4th issue of their inde­pend­ent print
Interview: GHETTS (@THEREALGHETTS) speaks on the...
Apex Zero from I am Hip Hop Magazine talks with Ghetts ahead of the Ghetto Gos­pel
New Music: Eneeks “My Queen, My King,...
“My Queen, My King, My God” relates to the ancient Afric­an trin­ity of man, woman and
Hip Hop and the ‘I have a Dream Speech’
We begin a ser­i­ous study of Hip Hop Kul­ture with Dr Mar­tin Luth­er King Jr. The
Review: Lowkey Live At @TheGarageHQ London
Hip Hop Ain’t Dead…It’s In London Review Of Lowkey Live At The Gar­age Lon­don, Septem­ber 18th 2016
Review: New Guardz (@NewGuardz) Summer Jam
The night star­ted beau­ti­fully and cas­u­ally. DJ Wicked was spin­ning all the old school Hip Hop
Interview: IAHH Meet Isaiah Dreads
I am Hip Hop Meet Isai­ah Dreads. Boast­ing an impress­ive array of taste­m­aker plat­forms that sup­port...
Event: Lowkey Returns To The UK Hip...
Lowkey is an award-win­ning rap­per, poet, play­wright and polit­ic­al act­iv­ist. Hav­ing gained huge acclaim...
Video + Lyrics: ‘Imagination’ by Watusi87...
RU1-FAM mem­bers Watusi87 & Majic­al com­bine on a poignant and uplift­ing track, inspired by the wis­dom
The British Dream…U.K Hip Hop
On Sat­urday 14th May 2016, I was at The Roy­al Fest­iv­al Hall with friends to see