Video + Lyrics: ‘Imagination’ by Watusi87 & Majical (@RU1FAM)

RU1-FAM mem­bers Watusi87 & Majic­al com­bine on a poignant and uplift­ing track, inspired by the wis­dom of Haile Selassie I. Weav­ing cha­ris­mat­ic images over a Hybrid Fre­qs pro­duc­tion, the duo deliv­er their first Cul­tured Sounds release with aplomb.

’Ima­gin­a­tion’ is a song that encap­su­lates the prob­lems of today’s soci­ety with an optim­ist­ic out­look. Both rap­pers describe their aware­ness of the cor­rup­tion and injustices that dam­age life, but find hope comes from inner strength and know­ledge of self.  The subtle pres­ence of read­ings from ‘The Auto­bi­o­graphy of Emper­or Haile Selassie I’ per­fectly com­pli­ment the descript­ive nature of the verses, jux­ta­pos­ing the lack of con­trol we have over our wider envir­on­ment with the abil­ity to mas­ter our own thoughts and actions.

Hard-hit­ting lyr­ics with a spa­cious flow draw the listen­er in to a swirl­ing atmo­sphere of strings and wist­ful horns, amid rolling per­cus­sion – anoth­er sig­na­ture Hybrid Fre­qs beat in the vein of 2015 single ‘Uni­ver­sal Mind’.

The single is avail­able to buy dir­ectly from the Cul­tured Sounds web­site and across digit­al platforms.




Verse 1 (Majic­al)

The world at my fin­ger­tips, hope in my hand. The wind blows in my face my bare toes in the sand. I gaze out to the water and look to the sky. This sys­tems got man caught up, times passing us by. We’re tryna break free from this sad situ­ation. The Da Beers, The dia­monds, the silence, the masons. Decisions decisions, the viol­ence, divi­sions. I remove myself from these hisms and skizms. Jump out of their boxes, their phones and iwatches. We know their eye watches, from rising to noches (Night in Span­ish). We’re guid­ing the lost, though these roads cross the Cross­ings. It’s hard tryna grow, tryna know all the options. When his­tory’s hid­den, the story’s for­got­ten. We’re pour­ing liba­tion for those who were trod in. Remem­ber the sound of the drum when it beats. The vibra­tion res­on­ates, comes through my Speech
*Break Sec­tion (Read­ing from ‘The Auto­bi­o­graphy of Emper­or Haile Selassie I’)

We must put to the best use the rich her­it­age of our past, in that way and in that way alone can we live to the highest stand­ard set by our fore farther­’s. We hope that future gen­er­a­tions will real­ise the mag­nitude of sac­ri­fices required to accom­plish all the work so it may pre­serve as gain.

The Struggle Continues.

Verse 2 (Watusi87)

The earth is my wil­der­ness, I’m scop­ing the land. At one with the ele­ments that flow in a man. A face on the water, I look to the sky. A new world without order for the crooked and sly. Destruc­tion, cor­rup­tion, they func­tion in meet Hype vibes and like­wise the club and the street. The sky­line’s pour­ing, live with liba­tion. The pub­lic, the cor­por­ate, privat­isa­tion. The thiefs, con­sumers, the buy­ers, the sellers, the work­ers, the earners, the grinders, the beg­gars. The hoot­ing, the holler­ing, the sirens, the dog barks. The loop of dicho­tomy, soci­ety con­trast. Con­fu­sion, amuse­ment, sim­u­la­tion and arcade. The dark state, the wet path, the Rock and the hard place. The hustle, the bustle, the tussle, the struggle. But there’s light at the end of the tun­nel, above all.

Outro (Read­ing from ‘The Auto­bi­o­graphy of Emper­or Haile Selassie I’)

In the his­tory of the human race, those peri­ods which later appeared as great have been the peri­ods when the men and the women belong­ing to them had tran­scen­ded the dif­fer­ences that divided them and had recog­nized in their mem­ber­ship in the human race a com­mon bond. Study and exam­ine all but choose to fol­low the good.

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.