Akala, the new Shakespeare? Where unfathomable...
“Words are more treach­er­ous and power­ful than we think” (Jean-Paul Sartre) Since the begin­ning of time
Win Tickets: AFROPUNK | Power To The Party...
Review: Lowkey Live At @TheGarageHQ London
Hip Hop Ain’t Dead…It’s In London Review Of Lowkey Live At The Gar­age Lon­don, Septem­ber 18th 2016
A Ascensão do Rapper Revolucionário
O Hip Hop foi um produto de uma era extrema­mente polit­iz­ada, ainda que as nar­rativas for­tes
The Rise Of The Revolutionist Rappers
Hip Hop was a product of  an extremely polit­ic­al era, how­ever the strong and opin­ion­ated...
Review: @Akalamusic ‘Knowledge Is Power Volume...
It is fairly safe to say Akala is one of THE most tech­nic­ally gif­ted Emcee’s in
Akala ‘Malcolm Said It’ (@akalamusic)
AKALA — Mal­colm Said It. From the new album ‘The Thieves Banquet’ ‘The Thieves Ban­quet’ out
Culture, Resistance And Action: Hip Hop’s...
 From the moment it arrived here from the US, hav­ing surge out of the Bronx and
Review: Akala “The Thieves Banquet”
Akala has just released his fourth album entitled The Thieves Ban­quet. Akala’s choice to recor­ded the
Everyday Racism: What Should We Do? @Akalamusic
Racism is a busi­ness. Its mar­ket­ing is so suc­cess­ful that even Akala looks side­ways at a
Review: Riots Reframed @VoiceOverTV1
  On Sat­urday 16th March ‘Riots Reframed’ had its premi­er screen­ing at Beth­nal Green York Hall.
Akala Knowledge Is Power Tour
“Hip hop nev­er star­ted in 1975. This is Afric­an tra­di­tion that has man­aged to sur­vive through,