Win Tickets: AFROPUNK | Power To The Party (@afropunk)


Sat­urday 24th SEPT 


AFROPUNK brings its party to Lon­don for its inaug­ur­al edi­tion. Tak­ing place in the his­tor­ic Alex­an­dra Palace, with GRACE JONES head­lining, Mer­cury prize nom­in­ee Laura Mvula and Young Fath­ers, all playing.

afropunk-i-am-hip-hop-magazineExclus­ives come in the form of WORD SOUND POWER (Akala, B.A.D., Dread­zone, Donn Letts) and a debut UK show for SZA as well as the likes of Kwabs, Youth Man, Soulec­tion and more per­form­ing on the day — AFROPUNK has the end of fest­iv­al sea­son covered.

So much more than just the music, plans can now be revealed for the mar­ket­place along­side all the extras. SPIN THRIFT MAR­KET PLACE : From magazines such as gal-dem, to loc­al and inter­na­tion­al artists, design­ers, unique cloth­ing brands, jew­ellery and spe­cial pro­jects — the debut Lon­don AFROPUNK mar­ket­place has you covered.

There will be space to browse, buy, debate, and explore away from the music. With a ‘by us, for us’ atti­tude, and over 35 stalls to check out, theSpin Thrift Mar­ket Place is a huge part of the AFROPUNK exper­i­ence (full list of stalls below).


Grace Jones — Laura Mvula — Young Fath­ers — WORD SOUND POWER feat Akala, B.A.D/Dreadzone & Don Letts — SZA — Kwabs — Ben­jamin Book­er — The Nois­ettes — Loyle Carner — Cakes Da Killa — Gold­link — NTS Radio: CKtrl, Crack Stevens, Omelet, Covco, Lord Tusk, AG the DJ, Rround­here, Skinny — Soulection:IAMNOBODI, Joe Kay,The Whoo­ligan, Han­nah Faith, Sivey, Eden Hagos — MNEK — Lady Leshurr — GAIKA — Ho99o9 — Skinny Girl Diet — Jorja Smith — Purple Ferdin­and — Big Joanie — Youth Man — Nova Twins — Vodun — The Con­nect­ors — Mikel Ameen

MAR­KET PLACE FULL LINE UP: Afroretro — Rework Cre­at­ive — gal-dem — Teah-Wilson Depart­ment Store — Good­start Jones — Bull Doff — Afric­an Armure x Young Nation — Kel­is Africa — Pure­Good­ness — Coco Dav­ille Jew­ellery Design­er — Aṣọ — Ife’s Closet — Afrodesi­ac World­wide — Design by Do — Roooi — Dao­lon­don LTD — Con­tin­ent Cloth­ing — Sunu Kër — Gitas Portal — Kay Dav­is — In Lon­don we… — Pieces By KeKe — Sapelle — Aler­o­Jas­mine — FunkyN­Chunky — Akassi — Bo Dis­trict — Own­brown UK — Jekkah — Tote Lon­don — Uni­ver­sity of the Arts Lon­don — Diversity Arts Pro­ject (Diversity Mat­ters) — Love YaaY­aa — Niap­sou Design — Love and be loved — Shea Dec­ad­ence Lon­don — Le Ekhaya — EloExa

afropunk-i-am-hip-hop-magazine-2BODY PARTY:

Party­ing for AFROPUNK begins on Fri­day 23rd with an all night affair in col­lab­or­a­tion with Lon­don party starters BODY PARTY, south of the river at Brix­ton Jamm. An inten­tion­ally queer space for black bod­ies and the people who love them, mis­fits wel­come homo­pho­bia, trans­pho­bia, sex­ism and closed minded bod­ies are not.

Bring­ing a fla­vour of Brook­lyn will be rap­per Jay Boo­gie, along­side NTS heads Larry B, zine makers Born n Bread, Zezi Ifore and CKtrl as well as Em Bang. Expect intric­ate visu­als on the night from TheoWhiteW­ine and por­traits from pho­to­graph­er Ron­an Mck­en­zie. More info:


CHECK IT : AFROPUNK is part­ner­ing with UK BLACK PRIDE on Thursday 22nd Septem­ber to air the UK Première of ‘Check It’ at Brixton’s Ritzy Pic­ture House, com­plet­ing the even­ing will be a pan­el dis­cus­sion with Tega Okiti, Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, Chardine Taylor-Stone, and Cakes da Killa. Check it fol­lows the jour­ney of street, young gay and trans­gender youths in Wash­ing­ton D.C, and their stor­ies. More info:

Cloak­ing the city in for­ward think­ing events, AFROPUNK is also col­lab­or­at­ing with the Black Cul­tur­al Archive (BCA — Brix­ton) to bring an exhib­i­tion of pho­to­graph­er Liz Johnson-Artur’s work to the walls of the Black her­it­age centre. See Me Here! aims to explore the role and sig­ni­fic­ance of pho­to­graph­ers and image. Launch­ing on Fri­day 23rd Septem­ber (19–21:00) and run­ning through until the 29th, don’t miss the chance to see this col­lab­or­at­ive project.More info:

Simply email us your favour­ite act in the lineup to:

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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.