Last year, Jason Black (aka J2K), co-founder of industry-lead­ing sneak­er care brand, Crep Pro­tect, and former mem­ber of pion­eer­ing grime col­lect­ive Roll Deep, announced the launch of the Blanco col­our­way, HYPH­NT hos­ted an exclus­ive pan­el dis­cus­sion and net­work­ing event in col­lab­or­a­tion with All White No Hype, a con­tent based brand ded­ic­ated to pro­mot­ing sim­pli­city, fin­an­cial respons­ib­il­ity, and sus­tain­ab­il­ity with­in the sneak­er com­munity. Togeth­er, they will unveil the new col­lec­tion, show­cas­ing their time­less appeal and versatility.

On Wed­nes­day 5th July at London’s latest hot­spot Shored­itch house J2K hos­ted an exclus­ive invite only event to show­case his brand new sum­mer col­lec­tion with the release of a clas­sic all white train­er. Fea­tur­ing an all-star pan­el of sneak­er and fash­ion afi­cion­ados express­ing their own suc­cess stor­ies whilst drop­ping inspir­a­tion­al and aspir­a­tion­al jew­els about what its like to be multi HYPH­NT cre­at­ives in 2023.

Ima­gine own­ing a pair of sneak­ers that effort­lessly adapts to all situ­ations, com­ple­ments any out­fit and sym­bol­ises a com­mit­ment to sim­pli­city, qual­ity and con­scious con­sump­tion — here it is!

HYPH­NT, short for HYPHEN­ATE, is a foot­wear brand tailored to meet the demands of “multi- hyphen­ated indi­vidu­als in the same way that a sports brand would tail­or to ath­letes”, says Black. The brand rep­res­ents the mod­ern day cre­at­ive, hust­ler, the mul­ti­fa­ceted and multi talented.”

This was a really pos­it­ive launch and a fant­ast­ic look at what the pos­sib­il­it­ies could be if we worked togeth­er and sup­por­ted one anoth­er through net­work­ing look­ing at sus­tain­ab­il­ity with­in the sneak­er community.

As with pre­vi­ous col­lec­tions, the all white sil­hou­ette launches in two styles, the Road Run­ner and the City Walk­er and is titled ‘Blanco.’ The cam­paign fea­tures mem­bers from multi—disciplinary col­lect­ive VIBBAR, which is home to a band of cre­at­ives across music, style, pho­to­graphy, art and more.

Check out HYPH­NT HERE
Web­site / Ins­tagram / Tik­Tok

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Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )