For the first time in long time. Jur­as­sic 5 group mem­ber, legendary Emcee Chali 2Na hit the stage at a sold out Jazz Café.

Deliv­er­ing a mas­ter­ful per­form­ance from the second he touched the stage backed by the UK’s own DJ A Skillz.
I was impressed by how Chali blitz through 90 minutes of intric­ately writ­ten and pas­sion­ately delivered track after track, lit­er­ally word perfect.

Look­ing at the audi­ence tonight Chali 2Na is a uni­ver­sally loved Emcee. His mes­sage is usu­ally about cel­eb­rat­ing Hip Hop Cul­ture and positivity.

Chali poin­ted out a scar on the side of his head received from a near fatal car acci­dent say­ing he’s lucky to be here and now he nev­er takes any­thing for gran­ted in life. You can tell that he put everything into this per­form­ance and was genu­inely touched as he soaked in the adu­la­tion from the crowd.

An Unex­pec­ted high­light from this show was the appear­ance of Legendary UK Reg­gae Artist Tippa Irie com­ing onstage to per­form a track with Chali before blow­ing Jazz Café crowd away with an incred­ible freestyle.

A per­son­al high­light for me was the per­form­ance of a track called ‘Crazy’ where Chali flipped a Rick James sample got the chef kiss from me.

Over­all I was really impressed with this Chali 2Na per­form­ance, def­in­itely the best I’ve seen from him + the added bonus of see­ing Tippa Irie as well as Chali ask­ing me to sign his copy of the Con­nois­seurs Of Hip Hop: The Inter­views Vol.1 (­views-Vol-1-Con­nois­seurs-Hiphop/dp/B08LT7M33Q)
I gif­ted him which he’s also fea­tured in.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )