The Cruelest lie
In that moment between awakening
And fully opening my eyes
That duplicitous lie
That tells me
You didn’t leave me
You didn’t die.
And I dreamt last night that you were still alive
Until the harsh dawn broke through
The ruthless truth of light
It shattered my dreams
And my distorted sight
That I’d held to so close
That I’d held to so tight
And the tears welled in my eyes
Then streamed down my face
Like the heavens had just opened
And you were falling from the skies
So primal were my cries
But nobody heard me
The sorrow when my truth is denied
But nobody sees me
The pain imprisoned in my mind
But this is agony of another kind
Not sure I have the strength to survive
My heart, just like yours that day,
Cannot be revived.
And I wish I could talk to you just one more time
I don’t know if you knew I loved you
And that pain pumps through my bloodline
I may not have done enough
But Dad, truly I tried
And I feel robbed
Because I never got a chance to say goodbye
And that is something that I cannot rectify
I just want to go back and freeze time
But instead time betrays me
That fragment and vision of you is no longer mine
And that, in essence is the Cruellest Lie
The one in which you are still alive
The one in which you did not die.

Kate Taylor