“I can shake off everything as I write; my sor­rows dis­ap­pear, my cour­age is reborn ” (Anne Frank). This quote means a lot to me. It rep­res­ents all that writ­ing gives to me. When I write, my prob­lems dis­ap­pear. It gives to me solace and peace. It allows my past trau­mas to dis­sip­ate. That is the beauty of using writ­ing as a mech­an­ism to move on.

As I am writ­ing this, by the ocean on the south coast, vis­it­ing my twin sis­ter, vape in one hand, cof­fee by my side, and my trusty keyboard.

The last two edi­tions of my column have focused on change and loss. Now I have noth­ing to focus on but to write
about Mov­ing On in this series. The losses, as I wrote before, that we endure in life are neces­sary in order to grow.
An example is the Brit­ish rap­per Bugsy Malone who nearly died after a road acci­dent. He fought to save his body and mind. And mov­ing for­ward, with a lot of determ­in­a­tion, he hung on by a thread.

Equally, Eminem came through with Not Afraid, mov­ing from addic­tion into recov­ery. He had two options, and he took the dif­fi­cult but inspir­ing path.
Like Bugsy Malone, in his album b. Inspired gives out the call and the chal­lenge: If I can make it, so can you. The losses we incur in life are a neces­sary hurdle, that we have to face the pain for from these breaks, we hurt, some­times adam­antly so, but we must patiently wait for these obstacles in order to move for­ward. Some don’t make it, death, over­doses, sui­cide. I have seen some ter­rible losses in my time and all I have been able to do is pick myself up, grieve, and keep mov­ing on.
Sea­sons here and music con­verge. The wind and seagulls, con­trast against the deaf­en­ing sound of silence. As
I write this with the back­ground song of the sea, Silence and noise col­lide, As spring is threatened by sum­mer. Sum­mer threatened by autumn. Then the dreaded time for me. Winter. The sea­sons cir­cu­late, time changes. But it is Winter that besieges me.

Mov­ing on, who knows the answer to that inde­term­in­ate ques­tion “where do you see your­self in 5 years time”. For me I struggle to tell you where I see myself in 5 days time. Even 5 hours is a conun­drum. All I know is that I live in the present, the past and future are both per­tin­ent to learn from. But too much focus will take away from the now. Col­li­cia song, Addic­tion, shows someone fight­ing for their life and show­ing pure resi­li­ence in the hell that addicts some­time have to walk through. Bugsy Malone refus­ing to die in his hos­pit­al bed. The etern­al fight to move for­ward, the instinct­ive fight for life. Mov­ing on up now! (Prim­al scream) as I am, Star­ing through my rear­view mirror.

The truth in Mov­ing for­ward, in my eyes comes from Akala, ‘Find No Enemy’.“The only way we can ever change any­thing is to look in the mir­ror and find no enemy. The only way we can ever change any­thing is to look in the mir­ror and find no enemy. (Akala )” it speaks volumes and moves us for­wards. The pro­fund­ity in such sim­pli­city is, to me, where the path to free­dom lies.

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Kate Taylor

Kate Taylor is a Lon­don based writer whose Interests are based primar­ily on music and art and also the philo­sophies and polit­ics that accom­pany them. In addi­tion she has an Msc in psy­cho­logy, has worked as a ther­ap­ist, and paints abstract art pieces.

About Kate Taylor

Kate Taylor is a London based writer whose Interests are based primarily on music and art and also the philosophies and politics that accompany them. In addition she has an Msc in psychology, has worked as a therapist, and paints abstract art pieces.