Atlanta Hip Hop sen­sa­tion Suns of Atli­ens are gear­ing up for their new release, “No Smoke” releas­ing soon on all digit­al plat­forms. The duo, Rockomal and Chef God 7, are full-throttle into a press and radio run to pre­pare the world for the single, stay tuned…

About Suns of Atli­ens (S.O.A.)

A duo with a nos­tal­gic sound that pays homage to the era of hip hop emer­ging in the South, but it still effort­lessly com­petes with the genre in 2021.

Rockomal and Chef God 7 are two tal­en­ted cre­at­ives that honed their skill set on the biggest enter­tain­ment stages in the world, before form­ing the group Suns of Atli­ens.  Hail­ing from the South’s enter­tain­ment cap­it­ol, Atlanta, Geor­gia, the two musi­cians met in ele­ment­ary schools. Both were drum majors at South­w­est Dekalb High School and later became standouts in Flor­ida A&M University’s March­ing 100.

Rocko’s pas­sion for music is genet­ic. He was groomed under the tutel­age of a fath­er who played Wah­wah Gui­tar for a host of legendary music­al acts. His front-row seat to show­man­ship piqued his interest in becom­ing an enter­tain­er at an early age. After gradu­at­ing FAMU with Bach­el­or of Sci­ence in Eco­nom­ic Busi­ness, he headed west to pur­sue a lifelong prom­ise. The com­bin­a­tion of being a skilled trum­pet play­er and an extraordin­ary dan­cer landed Rocko on stages with Bey­on­cé and Phar­rell. The energy of those exper­i­ences motiv­ated him to reach out to his child­hood friend to cre­ate more.

Chef God 7 cred­its grow­ing up in Atlanta, as a prom­in­ent influ­ence in his music­al sound.  The MC’s voice is remin­is­cent of one half of anoth­er legendary Atlanta duo. While the sim­il­ar­ity in his cadence is unin­ten­tion­al, he grace­fully nods at the resemb­lance. Chef god 7 is an artist with an unlim­ited realm of cre­ativ­ity. His intro­duc­tion to music began with a trum­pet and he later mastered per­cus­sion.  After an unex­pec­ted tragedy at FAMU he for­feited a music schol­ar­ship and redir­ec­ted his cre­ativ­ity by enrolling in culin­ary art school.  As a trained chef, he made his way west to launch the first Cali­for­nia fran­chise of a pop­u­lar steakhouse.

S.O.A. music is an authen­t­ic sound that taps the con­science of a nuanced audi­ence.  It’s a reflec­tion of mod­ern cul­ture with uplift­ing beats and tact­fully raw lyr­ics. It’s pro­voc­at­ive yet pos­it­ive and purposeful.

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!