Atlanta Hip Hop sen­sa­tion Suns of Atli­ens are gear­ing up for their new release, “No Smoke” releas­ing soon on all digit­al plat­forms. The duo, Rockomal and Chef God 7, are full-throttle into a press and radio run to pre­pare the world for the single, stay tuned…

About Suns of Atli­ens (S.O.A.)

A duo with a nos­tal­gic sound that pays homage to the era of hip hop emer­ging in the South, but it still effort­lessly com­petes with the genre in 2021.

Rockomal and Chef God 7 are two tal­en­ted cre­at­ives that honed their skill set on the biggest enter­tain­ment stages in the world, before form­ing the group Suns of Atli­ens.  Hail­ing from the South’s enter­tain­ment cap­it­ol, Atlanta, Geor­gia, the two musi­cians met in ele­ment­ary schools. Both were drum majors at South­w­est Dekalb High School and later became standouts in Flor­ida A&M University’s March­ing 100.

Rocko’s pas­sion for music is genet­ic. He was groomed under the tutel­age of a fath­er who played Wah­wah Gui­tar for a host of legendary music­al acts. His front-row seat to show­man­ship piqued his interest in becom­ing an enter­tain­er at an early age. After gradu­at­ing FAMU with Bach­el­or of Sci­ence in Eco­nom­ic Busi­ness, he headed west to pur­sue a lifelong prom­ise. The com­bin­a­tion of being a skilled trum­pet play­er and an extraordin­ary dan­cer landed Rocko on stages with Bey­on­cé and Phar­rell. The energy of those exper­i­ences motiv­ated him to reach out to his child­hood friend to cre­ate more.

Chef God 7 cred­its grow­ing up in Atlanta, as a prom­in­ent influ­ence in his music­al sound.  The MC’s voice is remin­is­cent of one half of anoth­er legendary Atlanta duo. While the sim­il­ar­ity in his cadence is unin­ten­tion­al, he grace­fully nods at the resemb­lance. Chef god 7 is an artist with an unlim­ited realm of cre­ativ­ity. His intro­duc­tion to music began with a trum­pet and he later mastered per­cus­sion.  After an unex­pec­ted tragedy at FAMU he for­feited a music schol­ar­ship and redir­ec­ted his cre­ativ­ity by enrolling in culin­ary art school.  As a trained chef, he made his way west to launch the first Cali­for­nia fran­chise of a pop­u­lar steak­house.

S.O.A. music is an authen­t­ic sound that taps the con­science of a nuanced audi­ence.  It’s a reflec­tion of mod­ern cul­ture with uplift­ing beats and tact­fully raw lyr­ics. It’s pro­voc­at­ive yet pos­it­ive and pur­pose­ful.

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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!