Seasoned emcee U‑Nik Stylez enlists Bru­tal Caesar for the new album titled “The Mean­ing.” The 10-track pro­ject fea­tures an arrange­ment of diverse Hip Hop tal­ents includ­ing DJ Soul­buck, DJ Jaffe, Think 2wice, Jace the Truth, Recog­nize Ali, Ekspan, and Reval­a­tion. The pro­duc­tion ranges from worldly sound­scapes to sus­pense­ful tones, to gritty boom-bap to soul­ful rendi­tions, with heavy bass and drums pulsat­ing through­out the project.

“Any­more” intro’s the album, ask­ing who does it like this any­more. This refer­ring to U‑Nik’s lyr­ic­al pro­fess­or and under­ground treas­ure status. He’s clos­ing out shows, tour­ing over­seas, and caus­ing may­hem in the booth. “The Move­ment” focuses on U‑Nik’s mis­sion to fix the game and provide a little Hip Hop improve­ment. He has some­thing to prove with noth­ing to lose and pre­pared for both so adjust the headset.

In “Unus­al Lov3”, U‑Nik flows a little some­thing for the ladies. His storytelling embod­ies the emo­tions of a spe­cial love turned volat­ile, a melod­ic ser­mon every­one can relate to. “Painted Pic­tures” brings it right back to the mes­sage at hand. U‑Nik ham­mers down on artists who lack the gift of bars while he’s paint­ing pic­tures with swords and tools, with dis­tinct pre­ci­sion. “Out­side” is a hard­body track with no sug­ar coat­ing or bubble gum raps. It’s simply a bad decision for wave riders and haters to catch U‑Nik out­side.  “Chem­istry” is a tale of deliv­er­ing mes­sages through songs. U‑Nik breaks down the sci­ence of lyr­i­cism that stems from his pad and pen.  He once was dan­cing with the dev­il, now he’s spit­ting gems about the devil’s lack of coördination.

“2 Ill” is the vein pump­ing, clas­sic Hip Hop gem of the pro­ject. Make way for U‑Nik as he makes a house­hold name for him­self. His sick rhymes and mastered punch­lines are bet­ter than before. Simply put, he’s ‘2 ill.’  “Move” piggy­backs that lyr­ic­al PSA as U‑Nik forces every­one out the way so he can do what he does in the booth and in the music jungle; he’s claim­ing his stance. “Noth­ing” wraps up the album reit­er­at­ing that noth­ing or no one can stop his takeover. His life is the booth, radio, and stages on repeat.

U‑Nik dis­plays his growth as a lyr­i­cist and the abil­ity to cur­ate time­less music. Each track brings forth his suited A‑game and nat­ur­al geni­us of rhyme schemes and clev­er word­play. Stream “The Mean­ing”  and con­nect with U‑Nik Stylez below.

U‑Nik Stylez x Bru­tal Caesar “The Mean­ing” on Apple Music | Tid­al | Google Play | Band­camp

U‑Nik Stylez on Face­book | Ins­tagram | Twit­ter

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!