Interview: Kickin’ It With @Infecta

infectaInfecta is a self pro­claimed spir­itu­ally aligned cre­at­ive human­it­ari­an who believes in people being indi­vidu­als and reach­ing their full poten­tial. He has shown con­tin­ued pro­gres­sion through­out his music career, and there’s much more to come !

What motiv­ated you to start mak­ing music and what motiv­ates you to keep it up now?

I was motiv­ated to start mak­ing music when I was being bul­lied for my accent in sec­ond­ary school since I’d recently come to Lon­don from Lagos. My broth­er & sis­ter star­ted show­ing me artist like Daft Punk, Out­Kast, Missy Elli­ot and more. I was par­tic­u­larly drawn to Missy and in 2008 when Grime was born and the bluetooth/in­fa-red era began people will spit bars in the play­ground. I’d listen to Nas, Missy Elli­ot & Out­Kast and get gassed so one day I decided to write my own lyr­ics over Missy Elli­ot — Funky Fresh and the next day I shared it in one of the play­ground cyphers and the reac­tion was insane; the people that bul­lied me star­ted rat­ing me and kids that did­n’t know me where repeat­ing my words. That feel­ing was spe­cial. I held on to it. What motiv­ates me to keep mak­ing music now is primar­ily not let­ting any­one down. I don’t want to be that guy you bump into and ask “how’s your cre­at­ive career?” Only for them to tell you some­thing like “I quit” never.

What do you do to give back to the community ?

Since sec­ond­ary school after a friend of mine passing away and me being told by an adven­ture play­ground work­er at the time to “get used to it” (which I refuse to do) I star­ted youth work­ing and volun­teer­ing 1st with the Catch 22: Kick­Start youth club; based in Rock­ing­ham, behind my school Globe Academy (Geof­frey Chau­cer Tech­no­logy Col­lege then) then with Prince’s Trust as a young ambas­sad­or where I got to per­form in front of HRH The Queen, speak to Prince Charles and many more dig­nit­ar­ies rep­res­ent­ing young, black, males from middle class/deprived areas. Even­tu­ally work­ing with BBC 21cc to teach young people from Primary right up to Uni­ver­sity Media Skills and finally work­ing with St Chris­topher­’s Fel­low­ship help­ing home­less young people, run­aways & those in foster care.

Along­side your music, you also design cloth­ing and write. How do you find balance ?

I guess the bal­ance comes from the primary fact that Music is the key. It is the pri­or­ity and the source where all oth­er cre­ations come from — in my case. So I’ll write or record a song then sketch some­thing which I cam then make into a design or I’ll take a break from all those by simply listen­ing to music by oth­er artist with­in UK (I’m big on sup­port­ing my own I think we need to sup­port our loc­al.) and dur­ing that time I’ll write a short story based entirely on fiction.

What do you want your leg­acy to be ?

I want my leg­acy to be that I achieved everything through God.

How has your depres­sion in the past, influ­enced you’re music today?

My past has influ­enced my present by a land­slide, in a pos­it­ive man­ner. My music is more mature, clean, simple, in deliv­ery and cre­ation and the end res­ult is now atmo­spher­ic, ambi­ent and altern­at­ive but still Rap (rhythm and poetry). Before it used to be loud, very pop-friendly and always happy. But now it has lay­ers, tex­ture to it …I take time with it, I don’t rush for noth­ing. It has to be done prop­erly not just done. At first com­ing out of hos­pit­al I was wor­ried that I’m not doing it the same but now I under­stand that I’m doing it bet­ter. It is also some­thing I use to influ­ence oth­ers now I recently did a BBC doc­u­ment­ary with Steph­en Fry — The Not So Secret Life of A Man­ic Depress­ive; 10 Years On.

What motiv­ates you to get up in the morning?

My Bless­ings, those that I already have and those that are wait­ing for me to go out and claim. That’s what motiv­ates me each day.

Where has been your best live per­form­ance, and what made it so spe­cial to you ?

TEDxEastEnd Talk. The Oval Space. 2015. Everything about it, just watch it online and you’ll see why. For me it felt like that moment: a star is born.  It was their 1st TED Talk in Lon­don and they had asked me to be one of the head­lines along side people like Chase & Status/Basment Jaxx can­’t remeber exactly but as I said just see for your­self. It was special.


If you could give a piece of advice to your young­er self, what would it be?

Hmmm… To my young­er self; “fin­ish your elec­tric­al engin­eer­ing” that’s the only thing.

If you could do a fea­ture with any artist in the world, which one would you pick?

Phar­rell Williams

For more info on Infecta vis­it

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Adam KG

Adam KG, is con­scious Hip Hop artist hail­ing from Lon­don City whilst walk­ing the world’s pave­ments. He is inter­ested in the enter­tain­ment and media sec­tor, youth work and hol­ist­ic health.

About Adam KG

Adam KG, is conscious Hip Hop artist hailing from London City whilst walking the world's pavements. He is interested in the entertainment and media sector, youth work and holistic health.