
Infecta is a lon­don based artist and accom­plished per­former who has been on The BBC, TED Talks and vari­ous stages across the UK. He has just relased his latest pro­ject The Future Is Yel­low, which is a self pro­cli­ma­tion that his future will be very bright. Inefcta keeps it real with his listen­ers and is pas­sion­ate about edu­cat­ing young people im bri­tain about men­tal health, cre­ativ­ity and spir­itu­al­ity.

I Am Hip Hop Magazine’s Adam Khan Gill inter­views him to find out more about his jour­ney.

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Adam KG

Adam KG

Adam KG, is con­scious Hip Hop artist hail­ing from Lon­don City whilst walk­ing the world’s pave­ments. He is inter­ested in the enter­tain­ment and media sec­tor, youth work and hol­ist­ic health.

About Adam KG

Adam KG
Adam KG, is conscious Hip Hop artist hailing from London City whilst walking the world's pavements. He is interested in the entertainment and media sector, youth work and holistic health.