Review: Jean Grae (@JeanGrae) ‘Gotham Down:...
It is fit­ting that Jean Grae, the super-heroine fem­cee also known as Tsidi Ibrahim, takes her
Review: Abstract Artists Present RU1 Fam EP...
The Jazz Café’s a ven­ue steeped in his­tory as deep as the best Blues and as
Crazy Haze THC (The Hardship Continues) EP Review
Crazy Haze THC (The Hard­ship Con­tin­ues) EP Review The title of the open­ing track “Be Dif­fer­ent”
Review: @DJMissCBrown ‘s Infrastructure To...
The event kicked off with Miss C Brown VJ–ing a num­ber of dif­fer­ent hip hop videos
Review: Speech Debelle (@speechdebelle) Live At...
Thursday 26th June saw the ‘pre-launch’ show­case of excit­ing new com­pany Booka­Beat.  Foun­ded by...
Review: Othello The Remix @Unicorn_Theatre
The Q broth­ers’ adap­tion of Oth­ello breathes some fresh air into the tragedy, bril­liantly trans­lat­ing...
Akala Knowledge Is Power Tour
“Hip hop nev­er star­ted in 1975. This is Afric­an tra­di­tion that has man­aged to sur­vive through,
Review: Kentyah (@kentyah) presents M1...
Kentyah presents: M1, Bri­an Jack­son & The New Mid­night Band: Evo­lu­tion­ary Minded @Jazz...
Review: Humble The Poet (@HumbleThePoet) Live In...
Humble the Poet- Review Bangkok Kit­chen Bar and Kit­chen: 28.03.14 An even­ing highly charged with...
Review: Ciaran Mac (@CiaranMac2014) ‘Took Your...
There’s an unfor­tu­nate opin­ion that’s far to com­mon on the hip-hop scene that rap is only
Catch-Up with I & Ideal Artist!
If you haven’t had the pleas­ure of see­ing I & Ideal Artist live, you’ve prob­ably noticed
Review: Onyx (@ONYX_HQ) Live At Jazz Café!
19.05.14  Review- Onyx  The even­ing was irrit­ably humid. Upon arrival to the Cam­den Under­ground...