Get To Know Too Many T’s (@TooManyTs) !
Q. The Huff­ing­ton Post called you ‘the UK’s answer to the Beast­ie Boys’, who would you
Interview With J Manifesto (@JdotOdot)
Q. ‘Vicari­ously Through Memor­ies’ is an album title drip­ping with nos­tal­gic sen­ti­ment. There­fore...
The Person Behind the Turntables: Exclusive...
Q. We know about DJ Kent­aro, Japan’s greatest turn­tab­list, but we know little about you as
Interview: Get To Know SHAY D (@shayduk )
Q. First off thank you for the chance to inter­view you. If pos­sible could you give
Interview : EMC (@eMCcrew) And @LadyLeshurr
Masta Ace, the EMC Crew and Lady Leshurr dropped in to  West­side stu­di­os on the DJ
Interview: Talking Underground And Mainstream Rap...
Antix is a Lon­don based hip hop artist with a unique style, his sound is a
Interview With Mighty Moe (@MightyMoe) !
Q. You have always pro­jec­ted good ener­gies and pos­it­ive vibes in your music, from when you
Guests: @Gambit_Ace & @MikeySmith121
This week’s IAHH Show brings you a blend of tracks depict­ing love and insan­ity with a
Poetry and Afrikan Surrealism. An Interview with...
Q. Your poetry cov­ers a vari­ety of top­ics from polit­ics, social and his­tory. Why do you
Apex Zero (@ApexZero00) Speaks Out About The Mark...
Apex Zero inter­view about the Mark Dug­gan Inquest “ver­dict” and it’s con­text in con­tem­por­ary UK,...
Interview: Talking Beats and Sound with DJ Yoda...
Q. How old were you when you first star­ted mixing? I guess I was prob­ably about