Review: Charlie Sloth (@CharlieSloth) The Plug...
Lon­don is the 27th biggest city in the world with 8.63 mil­lion people. We may not
INTERVIEW WITH C.O.T.I. @cotimusic (Captains Of...
C.O.T.I. (Cap­tains Of The Ima­gin­a­tion) con­sists of 6 artists form­ing a Hip Hop group based out
Review: Endemic Emerald (@EndemicEmerald) &...
Since the decline of the CD and the rise of iTunes and spo­ti­fy, I would be
Review: Breakin’ Convention (@BConvention) 2017
This year’s Breakin Con­ven­tion, the 14th since its incep­tion, has once again proven that Sadler’s wells,
Interview: Breakin’ Covention With Jonzi D...
“Hip Hop theatre is theatre that uses the artist­ic dis­cip­lines of Hip Hop to cre­ate the­at­ric­al
Review: Lupe Fiasco (@LupeFiasco) ‘DROGAS...
To say that I am an avid listen­er of Lupe Fiasco’s music would be an under­state­ment.
Review: Yasiin Bey Performs classic Mos Def @ The...
The doors opened at 7:00pm for the retire­ment of one of the greatest Hip Hop artists
The Hip Hop Travel Blog: Super Mario World-...
This is for those people that accuse trap of ruin­ing Hip Hop. I just want people
Review: Funky Punkies- Afropunk London
Firstly, I will start by say­ing that being asked to put into words my exper­i­ence of
The Hip Hop Travel Blog: Dubb Ujean – New
‘Ima­gine someone try­ing to force a reli­gion on you that you know noth­ing about and no
Review: New Guardz (@NewGuardz) Summer Jam
The night star­ted beau­ti­fully and cas­u­ally. DJ Wicked was spin­ning all the old school Hip Hop
The British Dream…U.K Hip Hop
On Sat­urday 14th May 2016, I was at The Roy­al Fest­iv­al Hall with friends to see