Timeline of Comandante Hugo Chavez’s Life

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“Chavez is a lead­er that had the sup­port of the people. A defi­ant man that was allowed to be so because the people wanted him to be. A defi­ant people against an empire. The next few days will be cru­cial in Venezuela. Will there be a poten­tial coup? Who will line be next? What will the people do? How will the U.S. respond to Chavez death? And while we await, we con­tin­ue to build anoth­er world, where per­haps there will be chavez(s) in every corner in every com­munity. In my final words, I hope the pueblo of Venezuela, stand and say, “TODOS SOMOS CHAVEZ!” — Olmeca (hip hop artist/activist)


The fol­low­ing is a timeline of Hugo Chavez’s life. Chavez led Venezuela from 1999 to 2013. On 05th March 2013, Pres­id­ent Hugo Chavez died at Cara­cas mil­it­ary hos­pit­al, 3.55pm New York time at the age of 58.

July 28, 1954: Born in Sabaneta in the Venezuelan state of Bar­i­nas, one of six chil­dren born to Hugo de los Reyes Chavez and Elena Frias.

young chavez

Hugo Chavez in the centre of his friends dur­ing his school years

1975: Gradu­ated from Venezuela’s Mil­it­ary Academy as a sub- lieu­ten­ant and with a degree in Mil­it­ary Sci­ence and Arts, spe­cial­ising in Communications.

1982: Forms sub­vers­ive group Bolivari­an Army 200 (EB-200) with oth­er mil­it­ary officers while serving in the nation­al army.

1989: Then-Pres­id­ent Car­los Andres Perez’s aus­ter­ity meas­ures trig­ger riots dur­ing which the army kills hun­dreds of pro­test­ers. The riots become known as the “Cara­cazo,” a ral­ly­ing point for Chavez’s polit­ic­al movement.


Hugo Chavez dur­ing his years in the army

1989: EB-200 becomes MBR-200, a mil­it­ary-civil­ian group that would lead a failed February1992 coup.

1990: Earns rank of lieu­ten­ant col­on­el. Earns a mas­ter­’s degree in polit­ic­al sci­ence from the Simon Bolivar University.

Feb­ru­ary 1992: Leads mil­it­ary coup against then-Pres­id­ent Car­los Andres Perez, which fails and lands him in pris­on for two years.


Hugo Chavez in a cell dur­ing his peri­od in Yare Prison

Novem­ber 1992: Anoth­er mil­it­ary coup attempt where Chavez played a role fails while he is in jail.

1994: After two years in pris­on, Pres­id­ent Rafael Cal­dera orders Chavez’s release.

Decem­ber 6, 1998: Wins elec­tion for pres­id­ent over a former Miss Uni­verse with 56 per­cent of the vote.


Hugo Chavez on the cam­paign trail as a Pres­id­en­tial can­did­ate in 1998

Decem­ber 15, 1999: Venezuelans approve a new con­sti­tu­tion pro­posed by Chavez’s movement.

July 30, 2000: Wins second pres­id­en­tial elec­tion with 60 per­cent of the vote.

April 11–13, 2002: Ous­ted from power by a mil­it­ary coup for two days, returns to office after inter­na­tion­al con­dem­na­tion and sup­port­ers demand his return. Apo­lo­gises for mis­takes and offers to open a dia­log with the oppos­i­tion. Blames the US for sup­port­ing the coup.

Decem­ber 2002 Oppos­i­tion begins a two-month gen­er­al strike to demand Chavez step down, para­lys­ing much of the coun­try’s oil pro­duc­tion. Even­tu­ally fires more than 18,000 state oil workers.

2003: Installs cur­rency con­trols and price con­trols on basic goods.

August 2004: Wins recall ref­er­en­dum sought by opposition.

2004: Starts Alba, a polit­ic­al alli­ance of Lat­in Amer­ic­an coun­tries, with Venezuela and Cuba as first members.

2006: Speaks at United Nations Gen­er­al Assembly, call­ing then- U.S. Pres­id­ent George W. Bush “the devil.”

Decem­ber 3, 2006: Wins his third pres­id­en­tial elec­tion and second six-year term with 63 per­cent of the vote

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Pres­id­ent Hugo Chavez and Pres­id­ent of Zim­b­ab­we Robert Mugabe


“Broth­er Lead­er” of the Liby­an Arab Jamahir­iya Muam­mar al-Gad­dafi and Pres­id­ent Hugo Chavez

Venezuela's President Chavez speaks next to Iran's President Ahmadinejad during an agreement-signing ceremony in Tehran

Pres­id­ent Hugo Chavez and Pres­id­ent of Iran Mah­moud Ahmadinejad


(Left to right) Pres­id­ent of Ecuador Rafael Cor­rea, Vice- pres­id­ent of Bolivia Albaro Gar­cia Lin­era, Pres­id­ent of Bolivia Evo Mor­ales and Pres­id­ent Hugo Chavez

2007: Nation­al­ises CA Nacion­al Tele­fonos de Venezuela, the coun­try’s largest phone com­pany, and CA Elec­tri­cid­ad de Cara­cas, then the coun­try’s largest pub­licly traded power company.

Janu­ary 10, 2007: Sworn in as pres­id­ent again, declar­ing in par­lia­ment that he will lead Venezuela toward 21st-cen­tury social­ism and utter­ing the phrase, “Home­land, Social­ism or death!”





May 2007: Revokes oppos­i­tion tele­vi­sion net­work RCTV’s broad­cast­ing license, pro­vok­ing oppos­i­tion street protests.

Decem­ber 2, 2007: Loses ref­er­en­dum on con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ments that would have elim­in­ated term limits.

Feb­ru­ary 17, 2009: Wins ref­er­en­dum to amend con­sti­tu­tion, elim­in­at­ing term lim­its for all pub­lic officials.


Pres­id­ent Hugo Chavez with his family



“Chavez our liberator”



Sup­port­ers in Palestine

May 2011: Knee injury side­lines him from a region­al tour.

June 2011: Reveals from Cuba that he is being treated for can­cer after doc­tors dis­covered a malig­nant tumour in his pel­vic region earli­er that month.

July 2011: Begins first rounds of chemo­ther­apy to treat cancer.

Feb­ru­ary 2012: Under­goes third oper­a­tion for can­cer after a second tumour is found.

March, 2012: Announces that doc­tors removed anoth­er can­cer­ous tumour from his pel­vic region, adding that the dis­ease has­n’t spread.

March 2012: First radi­ation ther­apy sessions.

July 2012: Says he is “totally free” of can­cer as pres­id­en­tial cam­paign kicks off.

Octo­ber 7, 2012: Wins third six-year term with 55 per­cent of the vote over former Gov­ernor Hen­rique Capriles Radonski.

Octo­ber 11, 2012: Names For­eign Min­is­ter Nic­olas Maduro vice president.

Decem­ber 8, 2012: Returns from a trip to Cuba to say can­cer has returned. In a nation­al address flanked by Mr Maduro and nation­al assembly head Dios­dado Cabello, Chavez anoints Mr Maduro as his suc­cessor if early elec­tions are called.

Decem­ber 10, 2012: Chavez flies back to Cuba for more treat­ment. It is the last time he is seen in public.

Decem­ber 11, 2012: Chavez under­goes a six-hour oper­a­tion that Mr Maduro says was “com­plex” and “car­ried out as planned and with success.”


Decem­ber 29, 2012: Mr Maduro flies to Cuba to vis­it Chavez. The fol­low­ing day he says the pres­id­ent has suffered “new com­plic­a­tions” as a res­ult of a res­pir­at­ory infec­tion, without giv­ing more details.

Janu­ary 10, 2013: Chavez is unable to return to Cara­cas for a swear­ing-in cere­mony to start his third six-year term. One day earli­er, the Supreme Court said the event was a form­al­ity and that Chavez remained head of state.

Feb­ru­ary 15, 2013: The Venezuelan gov­ern­ment pub­lishes pho­tos of Chavez propped up in his Havana hos­pit­al bed with his daugh­ters, read­ing the Cuban news­pa­per Granma. The pres­id­ent was breath­ing through a tracheal tube, the gov­ern­ment said.


Pres­id­ent Hugo Chavez and daughters

Feb­ru­ary 18, 2013: Chavez returns to Cara­cas after more than two months in Cuba, trav­el­ling imme­di­ately to a mil­it­ary hos­pit­al. His arrival isn’t broadcast.

March 5, 2013: Chavez dies at 4.25pm loc­al time.





we are all chavez i am hip hop magazinw

“I Am Chavez”


“I Am Chavez”

“Pat­ria, Unid­ad, Revolu­tion!” — Hugo Chavez      (home­land, unity, revolution)


Pic­tures: Reuters

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Azad Kamall

About Azad Kamall

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