Breakin’ Convention Returns for 2017!
BREAKIN’ CON­VEN­TION ’17 Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al of Hip Hop Dance Theatre  Sadler’s Wells &...
BREAKIN’ CONVENTION ’16 (@BConvention) IS...
BREAKIN’ CON­VEN­TION ’16 Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al of Hip Hop Dance Theatre  Sadler’s Wells &...
Review: Breakin’ Convention (@Bconvention) ...
Fea­tured Image — Flockey (Pho­to­graphy by Paul Hampartsoumian) Breakin’ Con­ven­tion Saddler’s Wells,...
Interview With ILL-Abilities (@ILLAbilities) From...
ILL-Abil­it­ies is an Inter­na­tion­al group com­prised of B‑boys that have over­come extraordin­ary...
Interview With Ukweli Roach (@UkweliRoach) From...
Breakin’ Con­ven­tion is the UK’s fest­iv­al of Hip Hop dance theatre, present­ing dance by com­pan­ies...
Review: Breakin’ Convention Park Jam
So to cel­eb­rate 10 years in the game, Breakin’ Con­ven­tion put on their first free Park
Review: Breakin’ Convention Festival...
Breakin’ Con­ven­tion Fest­iv­al simply takes over Sadlers Wells over Bank Hol­i­day weekend! Sadler­’s...