Review: Innate & EP ‘Such as I’ — LP

I’m very happy to let you know about this great album by Innate & EP which we have relaunched as the first release on the offi­cial IBMCs digit­al label this year in asso­ci­ation with TheOther20Eight. ‘Such as I’ is instantly access­ible from the first listen, as soon as the piano drops on the first track ‘Everything’ you enter the world of these dope emcees with intel­li­gent and ori­gin­al flows and fol­low them on a ride through their exper­i­ence of a Hip Hop life.

Over a dec­ade since Innate dropped his first album Nat­ur­al Pro­gres­sion in 2002, the sunny sound of Cali­for­nia is appar­ent on this record, along with the rhym­ing skills and sens­ib­il­ity often heard on the East coast, both emcees take care to put a real­ist­ic and per­son­al per­spect­ive into their lyr­ics, leav­ing the listen­er want­ing more of that Hiero­glyph­ics influ­enced sound. When hooks are sung, it’s done with soul and after a few listens you will be singing along with them.

In this industry and scene we are inund­ated with con­stant tracks, albums, videos, and amongst them all are gems like ‘Such as I’ which still deserves a great deal more expos­ure and enough patience from the busy mod­ern Hip Hop­per to relax into it and enjoy at the neces­sary pace. Spread the word, down­load the album and check the video below, I guar­an­tee you wont regret it.


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Esh works with IBMCs to pro­mote World­wide Inter­na­tion­al and Glob­al Hip Hop Culture

About Esh

Esh works with IBMCs to promote Worldwide International and Global Hip Hop Culture