Review: 1–2‑3–4‑5 Wake up! By Djar One Ft Carpetface


Here comes anoth­er funky 7 inch from France fea­tur­ing the vocal tal­ents of the increas­ingly pro­lif­ic emcee known as Car­pet­face. An up tempo jam with big horns and a jazzy elec­tric piano line, ‘1–2‑3–4‑5 Wake up!’ is packed full of insight­ful and humor­ous rhymes from the Car­pet while address­ing ser­i­ous top­ics such as the cur­rent refugee crisis and the hypo­crisy of the soci­ety we live in. Car­pet­face is act­ive in try­ing to help refugees where he can, and all down­load sales will go to a char­ity fun­draiser to help people in Calais.

Flip the 7 over and you got a very nice selec­tion of beats on The Psy­cho Break from the pro­du­cer Djar One, and Masta Moon’s & Incre­deeple who pro­ceed to tear up the scratches. This is a track to get the party people and the b‑boys moving.

Buy it now!!‑1–2‑3–4‑5-wake-up-feat-carpetface

All down­load sales to:


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Esh works with IBMCs to pro­mote World­wide Inter­na­tion­al and Glob­al Hip Hop Culture

About Esh

Esh works with IBMCs to promote Worldwide International and Global Hip Hop Culture

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