Album Review: Crown — Pieces to the Puzzle (@crownprod)


Here comes Crown of the Grim Reap­erz with one of the bet­ter Hip Hop albums of 2014. A lot of French pro­du­cers are put­ting out dope releases right now and per­haps what makes Pieces to the Puzzle stand out above the rest is Crown’s diverse and inter­na­tion­al selec­tion of fea­tures. Where many European pro­du­cers these days prefer to only fea­ture Amer­ic­an emcees, here we have UK’s Cax­ton Press on What the World Needs Now, some of France’s best emcees like Dadoo from KDD and ATK, Belgium’s Scylla and even Paloalto from Korea!

Of course there’s also the great US fea­tures that Grim Reap­erz have become known for over a series of EPs and releases, includ­ing PMD, Main Flow, Reks, El Da Sen­sei, Grand Agent, Rasco and many more. When first play­ing the record I was struck by the high qual­ity of the sound, par­tic­u­larly the bass, as there’s some­thing hap­pen­ing here which (although I am no ‘sound expert’) I can hear the mix­ing and mas­ter­ing is a cut above many of the records I have bought recently and this usu­ally makes me turn it up really loud.

This is not an album you will listen to only once. Lin­guist­ic­ally there is a lot hap­pen­ing here and it will take mul­tiple listens to (fully?) under­stand everything that’s going on. Luck­ily Crown has cre­ated more than just ‘beats with raps on them’ and music­ally the whole thing seems to come togeth­er, a little bit like each track is a piece of a large and com­plex puzzle….

I highly recom­mend you grab the wax now before it’s too late.

Album review by Esh Empowered by


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Esh works with IBMCs to pro­mote World­wide Inter­na­tion­al and Glob­al Hip Hop Culture

About Esh

Esh works with IBMCs to promote Worldwide International and Global Hip Hop Culture

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