REVIEW | A Slide For Grownups in London?! Last Days of Shoreditch Presents (@LDOShoreditch) Winter La La Land

ll2Open until 21st Decem­ber, Last Days of Shored­itch presents Winter La La Land, a winter-themed food and cock­tail event set in the heart of Shored­itch, minutes from Old Street sta­tion. 

With capa­city for over 700 people and fit­ted with fully covered indoor seat­ing areas, reserved rooms and even a karaōke room, Winter La La Land is a won­der­fully cosy place to bring your mates aroundMer­ci­fully, they’ve packed the area with heat­ers to stave off the winter cold, but once inside, you can try out warm drinks, both alco­hol­ic and non-alco­hol­ic, from their fant­ast­ic Hot Bar.


 Vis­it­ors to Winter La La Land can expect to be treated with cuisines span­ning from Smokey Tail’s Mid­west­ern BBQ fla­vours (their clas­sic­al and fest­ive poutines are a must!)Cheeky Burger’s ser­i­ously deli­cious gour­met bur­gers to “vegan junk food” cour­tesy of Biff’s Jack Shack. Their vegan inter­pret­a­tion of junk food needs to be tried by any­one open-minded about food —their jack­fruit wings are uncon­ven­tion­al but abso­lutely deli­cious. 


Oth­er high­lights include a big slide for grown-ups set right in the centre of the ven­ue that cus­tom­ers are more than wel­come to use. Also present is a cock­tail bar ded­ic­ated to the spir­it of Amer­ic­an author Ern­est Hem­ing­way which oper­ates under a strict ‘stirred, not shaken’ rule for their mar­tinis. To top it off, there are on-site DJs, who play music span­ning from elec­tron­ica, house and hip-hop.

If you want a little bit of quirky Decem­ber fun, then Winter La La Land is a must vis­it for food­ies and fans of a more chilled out­ing. 

 Find out more and plan your vis­it here :

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Mark Mukasa

Mark is a South Lon­don based writer and avid fan of all things hip hop. He’s also an MMA and his­tory enthu­si­ast who tries to keep his love of animé under wraps.

About Mark Mukasa

Mark is a South London based writer and avid fan of all things hip hop. He's also an MMA and history enthusiast who tries to keep his love of anime under wraps.