The 68th BFI Lon­don Film Fest­iv­al, in part­ner­ship with Amer­ic­an Express, is delighted to announce that this year’s Clos­ing Night Gala will fea­ture the European Première of PIECE BY PIECE, a ground­break­ing anim­ated biop­ic dir­ec­ted by Academy Award® win­ner Mor­gan Neville. The event, sched­uled for Sunday, 20 Octo­ber 2024, at the South­bank Centre’s Roy­al Fest­iv­al Hall, will be accom­pan­ied by sim­ul­tan­eous screen­ings across the UK.

PIECE BY PIECE offers a vibrant and invent­ive jour­ney through the life of cul­tur­al icon Phar­rell Wil­li­ams, using LEGO® anim­a­tion to tell his story. The film, pro­duced by Wil­li­ams him­self along­side an impress­ive team includ­ing Mimi Valdés and Caitrin Rogers, cap­tures the artist’s evol­u­tion from his humble begin­nings in Vir­gin­ia Beach to his rise as a glob­al super­star. Dir­ec­ted by Mor­gan Neville, known for 20 Feet from Star­dom, the film show­cases a star-stud­ded cast rendered in LEGO®, includ­ing Jay‑Z, Gwen Stefani, Busta Rhymes, Missy Elli­ot, and Snoop Dogg.

Neville, who has had a long his­tory with the BFI Lon­don Film Fest­iv­al, expressed his excite­ment, stat­ing, “The BFI Lon­don Film Fest­iv­al has been sup­port­ive of my career for a long time, with my first time screen­ing there being over twenty years ago. Bring­ing PIECE BY PIECE to the LFF means the world to me, and get­ting to be the Clos­ing Night Gala is the cherry on top of this huge hon­our. I’m thrilled to cel­eb­rate this film with the Lon­don audience.”

BFI Lon­don Film Fest­iv­al Dir­ect­or Kristy Math­eson shared sim­il­ar enthu­si­asm, not­ing, “Piece by Piece is a film of enorm­ous joy and inven­tion. In telling the story of Phar­rell Wil­li­ams entirely in LEGO®, acclaimed doc­u­ment­ari­an Mor­gan Neville brings a sense of won­der to this story that matches the cre­ativ­ity and verve of his sub­ject. This is a must for fans and will charm the unini­ti­ated alike, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to wel­come PIECE BY PIECE to close this year’s BFI Lon­don Film Festival.”

Image Cred­it: Cour­tesy of Focus Features

The 68th BFI Lon­don Film Fest­iv­al will take place from 9–20 Octo­ber 2024, with PIECE BY PIECE set to be released in UK cinemas on 8 Novem­ber 2024. The fest­iv­al will span mul­tiple ven­ues, includ­ing the BFI South­bank, BFI IMAX, and five part­ner cinemas in Lon­don’s West End, with screen­ings across the UK in cit­ies like Glas­gow, Manchester, and Bel­fast. Addi­tion­ally, the LFF Expan­ded exhib­i­tion will return for a second year, show­cas­ing immers­ive storytelling at the Barge­house and oth­er Lon­don venues.

For those unable to attend the screen­ings, BFI Play­er will host a spe­cial col­lec­tion of films from both past and present LFF programmes.

The full fest­iv­al line-up will be announced on 4 Septem­ber 2024, with tick­ets avail­able to the pub­lic from 17 Septem­ber, while BFI mem­bers and Amer­ic­an Express® Card­mem­bers can book early.

This year’s BFI Lon­don Film Fest­iv­al prom­ises to be a cel­eb­ra­tion of cre­ativ­ity, innov­a­tion, and cine­mat­ic bril­liance, cul­min­at­ing in the unique and col­our­ful story of Phar­rell Wil­li­ams, told PIECE BY PIECE.

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Mark Mukasa

Mark is a South Lon­don based writer and avid fan of all things hip hop. He’s also an MMA and his­tory enthu­si­ast who tries to keep his love of animé under wraps.

About Mark Mukasa

Mark is a South London based writer and avid fan of all things hip hop. He's also an MMA and history enthusiast who tries to keep his love of anime under wraps.