The legendary Buck­town duo took to the stage at the BRIX LDN in front of a hot intim­ate audi­ence who were lively from the start to the end. The group sailed through a num­ber clas­sic cuts from their near 30 year discography.

We were gripped through­out. Hear­ing Tek & Steele flaw­lessly tear through almost 30 tracks in a mam­moth 90 minute set includ­ing a smoke break (Reluct­antly approved by the ven­ue own­er under duress from the crowd. lol)

Guests onstage included “Da Flyy Hoo­ligan” “Ras Kass” and many oth­er artists in attendance.
Smif-n-Wessun are a highly influ­en­tial Hip Hop group and it was great to see tra­di­tion­al Hip Hop heads along­side a young­er audi­ence exper­i­en­cing them live for the first time.

Cer­tain cuts includ­ing their Hip Hop clas­sic “Buck­town” were fur­ther enhanced with the bril­liant addi­tion of live Flute and Sax­o­phone provided by their DJ “Radimo Sax”

*Side note. Con­sidered as a “Vet­er­an” Hip Hop fan who exper­i­enced hear­ing a lot of these 90’s clas­sics when they were released, now hear­ing them again live along­side a new gen­er­a­tion who weren’t even born in the 90’s Pas­sion­ately rap­ping along to clas­sics such as “Buck­town” says so much about the tran­scend­ant time­less­ness of some of our favour­ite Hip Hop cuts.

A wild 8.2 out of 10 (Would have benefited from a bet­ter PA Sound system)


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Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )