For my first taste of live music at the BRIX LDN. This is a multi pur­pose ven­ue that trans­forms from a res­taur­ant into a music ven­ue. Owned by the same team that are know for deliv­er­ing some mem­or­able Hip Hop nights at the Hip Hop Chip Shop in Brixton.

Tonight we were here for the launch of Legendary RnB/Neo Soul Sing­er Terri Walker’s new single “Finally Over You” and to cel­eb­rate the 20th anniversary of her fant­ast­ic debut album “Untitled”

Terri is one of those rare sing­ers whose per­son­al­ity and cha­risma really lights up whatever stage she per­forms on before she even sings a note.

Terri is genu­inely loved with­in the music scene, this is evid­ent from the amount of artists you could spot in the intim­ate audi­ence of invited guests who came out to see and sup­port the Soulstress.

We were treated to a delight­ful guided tour through 20years of Terri’s pas­sion­ately delivered hits includ­ing: “Draw­ing Board” “Ching Ching” and more, before cul­min­at­ing in an exclus­ive per­form­ance of her Chil­dren Of Zeus pro­duced new single “Finally Over You”

The audi­ence were also teased with some exclus­ives from her eagerly anti­cip­ated new album. So much to look for­ward to in the near future from the bril­liant Mz Terri Walker.

A Sol­id 8 of 10 (Would have loved a longer set)

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )