
After being intro­duced to DJ Format & Abdom­in­al by my older broth­er back in 2003(age of 13), this gig was a 14 year of wait. The first song I listened to was Vicious Battle Raps & it aston­ished me I was amazed, hooked, an instant fan, I had a new idol in MC Abdom­in­al. The record appeared on DJ Form­at’s first stu­dio album release, Music for the Mature B‑Boy who also had legends like Chali 2na, Akil from Jur­as­sic 5 con­trib­ut­ing on. Def­in­itely worth check­ing out a great blend of funky hip hop record.

Mov­ing on to Abdom­in­al first album in 2007 — Escape From the Pigeon Hole to this date my favour­ite Album of MC Abs, Top­ics of the songs were about real things I could relate to like things that piss him off from day to day Walk Left, Stand Right to exer­cising lung capa­city with 16 bars on one breath, Breathe Later which is a mas­ter­piece song to any MC and is a must listen(see live video clip below)

Lit­er­ally hav­ing just fin­ish­ing my abdom­in­al workouts I bump into MC Abdom­in­al out­side the gym hooded up I get a quick snap(picture below) he’s calm, col­lect­ive, patient… I Arrived at the gig DJ Format was accom­pan­ied by Abdom­in­al sign­ing some tee shirts & selling some mer­chand­ise at the back of the ven­ue, Really cool vibe in The Haunt a res­on­ance of them at back of the gig chilling, cool and relaxed. It was a quick minute & Format was intro­du­cing Abdom­in­al on stage who opened with a Title from his new album called Still hungry. The ven­ue had a crisp clear sound, the beat & the people bounced around the small ven­ue which by now had around 200 people inside. 15 minutes in they decide to stick the fork in anoth­er clas­sic, Ill culin­ary beha­viour. There have been so many hip hop gigs I’ve been to over the years and you can­not work out what the MCs are say­ing, not with this one the lyr­ics had clar­ity and fresh beat after fresh­er kept pump­ing through­out the set, Vicious battle raps came next rapped over a Wu Tang Clan beat which flowed extravagantly.


The songs kept com­ing and Abs was tire­less on the mic it was power­ful, excel­lently remastered old beats with new lyr­ics the under­stand­ing between Format n MC Abs was so smooth through­out. Great show great sound lachaim guys. I man­aged to talk to Abs after the gig and asked about the UK tour Cardiff, Bris­tol came close but Brighton was the best in his eyes. It was a treat to see these under­ground vet­er­ans in action.

It was pure sat­is­fac­tion & pos­sessed lyr­ic­al clar­ity to scream insan­ity. From vicious battle raps to old skool clas­sics Abdom­in­al lay it down with the vocals while Format kept it fresh with such a wide range of catchy hooks. So all in all was it worth the wait of 14 years. Hell yeah I would see them again tomor­row giv­en the chance. Sol­id 910. Peace out for now.

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A super well trav­elled Welsh Moroc­can born in Snow­do­nia A true 90s n Under­ground Hip hop fan since birth!

About Amos

A super well travelled Welsh Moroccan born in Snowdonia A true 90s n Underground Hip hop fan since birth!