On one Beau­ti­ful Sol­stice even­ing down by the river at the former MOD tor­pedo ware­house The Propyard, Bristol.

George Evelyn (born 15 Janu­ary 1970), bet­ter known by his stage name Night­mares on Wax or DJ E.A.S.E. is an Eng­lish DJ and record pro­du­cer from Leeds. His music is released by Warp Records & he is cur­rently based in Ibiza(what a place!), His first release was back in 1991 ‘A word of sci­ence’, I was so very curi­ous to see what this legend of a DJ has too offer 31 years later…

The gig Star­ted off very mel­low with the smudging to neut­ral­ise the energy of the room & spread­ing nice vibes through­out, this is a packed out ven­ue with roughly 1000 people ran­ging from early to major­ity being between 25–50 years old.. The fel­low musi­cians come on with jump­suits that are of a tie dye style col­our coded with the let­ters of the stage ‘Night­mares on Wax’. The first song is an instru­ment­al very relax­ing & then we moved on to the song ‘3D war­ri­or’ off his latest album Shout out! To free­dom.. intro­duced by George him­self as ‘A war­ri­or fight­ing in this world we know you got to be to live in this shit’ before the heart wrench­ing bass full, soul­ful vibes mixed on point hit my whole body.. I was think­ing to myself damn this is good as I was set up in the per­fect spot in the front middle of the crowd.
I was think­ing ‘Tues­day tasty treat with the vanilla vibes with creamy & tasty top­ping this was sweet..

Mov­ing on on same soul vibes with a beau­ti­ful sweet voice of ‘Hid­ing away’ same vibes… Smooth not bit­ter as I sipped on a my now gone warm beer can it was start­ing to get lit in here…

The next song was bit cheezy & the vocal­ist reminded me of a Bruno Mars like tone which the crowd seem to be pleased by.. the same time it was a mas­ter­ful beat that car­ried the whole ven­ue through to the next track.

Mel­low yel­low going to town we moved on to the clas­sic tune ’ Les nuits’ off the ‘Car­boot Soul’ album released back 23 years ago in 1999 which was a spin off the ori­gin­al sample from Quincy Jones’s ‘Sum­mer in the city’ the lady in yellow(can’t get name) on stage what a voice, she’s rock­ing the prop off the yard with these abso­lutely out­stand­ing heart wrench­ing vocal Cords seam­lessly moved onto the next fab­ulous soul­ful song ‘Isol­ated’ All she wanted was to be successful(Don’t we all I was thinking)

This is when the night excelled for me when both vocal­ists Haile Supreme & mys­ter­i­ous lady in yel­low com­bined to the song ‘flip ya lid’ this was a clas­sic that I nev­er wanted to end.

1 Hr 10 in they go off stage after the sound guys nearly lose the lid on the music in the back­ground. The crowd roars & the musi­cians come back on after a little jam then George fol­lows & starts talk­ing about the heal­ing herb, the bene­fits & tells the ‘smokers delight’ album story that took 5 years to col­late togeth­er through all the life trip­ping, gig­gling & how so many people had been touched by this superb album which he pro­claimed happened organ­ic­ally & gave thanks & grat­i­fic­a­tion to the herb for the jour­ney throughout.

Outro­du­cing the band one by one with solos before mov­ing on to ‘Up to us’ anoth­er song full of sweetness..

Before mov­ing out with the good vibra­tions on the up with a sol­id hour & half set end­ing as it star­ted with George smudging the air for the last time tonight..

This was the first & hope­fully not the last to see a lovely mix of tunes led by George. He is a legend in his own right, what a career that keeps on flour­ish­ing from his first album release back in 1991 at only 21 years old to still mak­ing it hap­pen at 52 years old. I can safely say that I def­in­itely could watch Night­mares on Wax again as he has such depth of out­stand­ing tunes 🎶 the favour­ite of mine I could only dream of him fin­ish­ing the set with off the Album ‘Shape the future’ released back in 2018. tune into your head­phones for some life grat­it­ude. ‘Back to nature’.. Bloom­in fab!!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


A super well trav­elled Welsh Moroc­can born in Snow­do­nia A true 90s n Under­ground Hip hop fan since birth!

About Amos

A super well travelled Welsh Moroccan born in Snowdonia A true 90s n Underground Hip hop fan since birth!