graceThe Great Escape of soul­ful sing­ers, mag­ni­fi­cent melod­ies and rated rappers.
In the 2 days I spent here the amount of tal­ent here was soar­ing. Start­ing things off on the Fri­day in a small atmo­spher­ic under­ground pub was Kyle Miller aka Aer­is Roves, he’s a 20-year-old sing­er-song­writer who hails from South York­shire and lives in Green­wich, South East Lon­don whose most recog­nised song is“Best Dressed Man”. He has been com­pared to Frank Ocean damn he did­n’t dis­ap­point a melod­ic, soul­ful acous­tic per­form­ance at only 20 years old! I am sure we will hear more from this rising young tal­ent in the future so keep your eyes open.

Mov­ing on to the Beach stage there was Grace Carter who is remark­ably in touch with her emo­tions for a 20-year-old, Lon­don born Brighton raised with a voice that gave me chills down my spine. She has learned to chan­nel that deluge of emo­tion into her music and used her voice to allure the audi­ence who was mag­net­ised by her move­ments. Check out her single “Sil­hou­ette” big things com­ing from her in the future no doubt about it.

Next up, I walked into a calm vibe of what seemed like an art gal­lery, where Brit­ish raised, Pol­ish Born Luke Mar­zec was blend­ing genres to play some­thing that is deeply atmo­spher­ic, he reminded me of bit of Mav­er­ick Sabre! But he has his own unique style. His “Chances EP” is a smooth artist­ic cre­ation & my favour­ite song on there is “Will we ever carry on”.


I moved on from the gal­lery to Pat­terns, a renowned late-night club in Brighton there was a young rap­per of the name of Kofi Stone. He’s rep­pin’ Birm­ing­ham Town with his on point, chilled beats with a funky flow. His releases to date are two singles “Stor­ies in pyja­mas” & “Daddy Don’t Want This”, they are easy listen­ing records and remind me a bit of the 90s vibes. His stage pres­ence was great and the crowd were boun­cing to his tracks and energy.

I headed over to the com­edy ven­ue Komedia to the stu­dio where Awate was await­ing to come on stage.

amosHe was born on Erit­rean Inde­pend­ence Day & named after the man who helped that hap­pen, he is an Erit­rean refugee who fled to Saudi then migrated to be raised in Cam­den, North Lon­don. He’s known to have col­lab­or­ated with the likes of Lowkey. I man­aged to cross paths with him before he played really groun­ded guy was a pleas­ure to meet him. A Know­ledge­able man with a descript­ive smooth flow and a nice soul­ful sound. He played a remake of Fresh Prince that got the crowd pump­ing. He also smashed the hooks with his sweetly timed voice, all in all great performance.


Next up back on the beach front was Jazz col­lect­ive who was led by Kamaal Wil­li­ams a keys play­er from Lon­don per­form­ing upon his release of their first album “Salaam”. It took them a while to setup (they did look like they had been enjoy­ing the fest­iv­al quite too much!) but they played a real mel­low set and the drum­mer played out­stand­ingly. That was the calm before the storm as I entered back into Pat­terns the energy was young, wild and heated and on stage was a young tat­tooed per­former who goes by the name Slowthai rep­pin’ Northamp­ton, shout­ing “F*** Theresa May” down the microphone.

moshThere was a lot of young male energy here, and a circle pit was ram­pa­ging. The young per­former was con­cen­trat­ing on try­ing to make the whole crowd mosh more than the rap­ping. The music was play­ing in back­ground and Slowthai him­self was in middle of the mosh the major­ity of the 30min set, keep­ing the energy levels high. Giv­ing instruc­tions to the crowd Say­ing the odd word from his song down the micro­phone. The

DJ rewind cut­back sev­er­al times to keep the crowd hyped. It was­n’t a music­ally skilled per­form­ance but thor­oughly enjoy­able nev­er­the­less at one point I even man­aged to lose my shoe. Timothy Lacoste with the song “Sub­way Sys­tem” was the final act I saw of the even­ing and this took an awe­some day of raw fresh tal­ent to a close!!


Sat­urday kicked off in the even­ing with a per­form­ance in Bau Wow which I had nev­er entered before. Wel­comed on stage was Tshegue a col­lect­ive of Afric­an, French power­house rhythms all the way from Par­is led by a woman who goes by the name of Faty Sy Savanet, a braid-swinging vocal shape-shifter born in the Demo­crat­ic Repub­lic of Congo. They blen­ded a unique coales­cence of sounds, so many styles and for me they were the best act I saw over the fest­iv­al, the com­bined power of the music and the qual­ity of the musi­cians mixed with energy and style; they abso­lutely killed it! Check out the “Sur­viv­or EP” & you can also find Tshegue : Influ­ences playl­ist on Apple Music. Next up was on the beach front bar, The Tes­key broth­ers. Aus­tralia. Coali­tion seafront pos­sessed and old skool Motown style sound takes you back years. Amaz­ing voice and a real blend of soul and blues. “The Half Mile Har­vest” is their album title.

Back to the under­ground bar where col­lect­ive from Ams­ter­dam Day Fly were per­form­ing, they had a great voice, their sound reminded me of a Drake record. They are seek­ing a rap­per to col­lab­or­ate with at the moment so reach out to them if you think that’s you. I then rushed to see Fredo, MoStack and Mist but instead I was able to catch a glimpse of Jazz by Broad­strokes before head­ing back to the beach to Shoosh to watch rising Ber­mond­sey rap­per Funmi Ohiosumah aka. Flo­hio spit­ting some fero­cious, grimey and post­code rep­pin. Rhymes.

My Great Escape jour­ney came to an end with the last but not least the grime star Ghetts who is ori­gin­ates from Plais­tow, East Lon­don, a legend in the Brit­ish grime seen and he per­formed a banger. I was itch­ing for him to play his new song with Lights “Vibe we Bring” which sampled the “Viv­rant Thing” Q Tip mas­ter­piece but a flaw­less per­form­ance nev­er­the­less. Oth­er tunes to check out DJ Raff “Latino & Proud” was one I missed on Thursday. All in all it was a blast, I abso­lutely loved the dif­fer­ent ener­gies and vibes of these per­form­ances over the two days. One to put on your fest­iv­al list for next year for sure…

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


A super well trav­elled Welsh Moroc­can born in Snow­do­nia A true 90s n Under­ground Hip hop fan since birth!

About Amos

A super well travelled Welsh Moroccan born in Snowdonia A true 90s n Underground Hip hop fan since birth!