Almost a dec­ade ago
Yemen was severely affected by a huge blow,
The Arab Spring majorly back­fired
To the coun­try’s sta­bil­ity and resources mired,
Lifebloods restric­ted, uncon­trol­lable forces
Sol­id life­lines no longer pulsat­ing,
Now in crit­ic­al con­di­tion, con­flict cre­ation berat­ing.

Such Middle East embez­zle­ment and cor­rup­tion marred,
Massive polit­ic­al frag­ment­a­tion scarred
Much stifling a torn nation’s gen­er­a­tion,
Chil­dren immensely suf­fer­ing and spun
People without basic neces­sit­ies,
Cowered cov­er­ing their loved ones
Flee­ing cit­izens brought to the slaughter, then inev­it­able defeat
In vari­ous degrees and increas­ingly heightened heat.

Food even clean water is tox­ic and scarce,
Inter­na­tion­al human­it­ari­an efforts rare, Everything fight­ing a day and night­mare
Cur­rently caus­ing those in pos­it­ive power, with healthy eco­nom­ic interest
Being detrac­ted full action and inab­il­ity,
Liab­il­it­ies stopped being blessed
Hor­rendous civil war futil­ity and hos­til­ity,
Fra­gil­ity this bru­tally broken mili­tia
Killing off teach­ers and beau­ti­ful creatures.

Those des­per­ately out there reach­ing
In deplor­able fam­ine and abso­lute poverty, without prop­er med­ic­al care
Injustice and unfair­ness in their per­son­al lairs,
Lit­er­ally all are starving, graves dug con­stantly
Depth of carving, deployed explo­sions
Bod­ies thrown, blas­ted in this hor­rib­il­is hell on their own dire earth
Unin­hab­it­able life, no end in sight to their plight…

Awfully under siege long term,
Can only pray for peace, clutch­ing tight firm in faith
Strong grasp yet seeth­ing, in no mirth with all their might.

By Katie Louise @klastroldn

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