Jay‑z, Jigga, Sean Carter
is a beacon for all who mir­ror his career.
Any­one whose encoun­ters start with a Reas­on­able Doubt.

In My Life­time there were too many hop­ing for open doors only to get a Hard Knock.
Life and Times withered on repeat so Hov gave three Blueprints
on how to make this Black Album sound less Col­li­sion Course, more King­dom Come.
Now Amer­ic­an Gang­sters Watch The Throne as Magna Carter
becomes a sym­bol of suc­cess for, for, for
no oth­er reas­on than he can.

Hail the killer of auto-tune.
The Roc boy that made my boys rock to tales of their redemption.
“Been win­ning so long it’s like alchemy”.
Turn­ing sins to saviors.
This is representation.
The por­trait hanging in our hopes
of someone that danced with the devil
and still found their way into the heav­en of an unfor­giv­ing country.

It’s funny how we know dia­monds can cut glass
and here goes Hov, per­form­ing on top of a glass ceiling
mak­ing dia­monds with his bare hands.


Poetry By Javon Rustin.







Javon Rustin is a per­form­ance poet and speak­er who com­petes in poetry slams, per­forms in shows, and speaks on career devel­op­ment for young people in the Dal­las area. After mak­ing the Dal­las Poetry Slam Team in 2013, he went on to become a region­al poetry slam cham­pi­on and five time nation­al semi-final­ist. Rank­ing 17th in the 2016 Indi­vidu­al World Poetry Slam, Javon has per­formed and spoken for organ­iz­a­tions such as Delta Sigma Theta Sor­or­ity Inc., Oliv­er Wyman, Hyena’s Com­edy Nightclub, Dal­las Pub­lic School Dis­trict, Envi­sion Health, and DFW Air­port. Javon has been pub­lished in three antho­lo­gies and con­tin­ues to com­pete with his poetry while always returns to his love of writ­ing and speak­ing on top­ics such as men­tal health, career devel­op­ment, and diversity.


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I Am Hip-Hop magazine welcomes contributions from guest authors. If you would like to review an event, please get in touch! iamhiphopmagazine[at]gmail.com