New York’s own King F.L.O releases visu­als for his new single “The Five.”

The lyr­ic­al assas­sin wastes no time going in and put­ting folks on blast. His lyr­ic­al antics vividly describe times when he was down and out, facing death, and couldn’t even afford a loosey. But they also describe his booth reign and glow up with a very cut-throat mes­sage to those coat-tail­ing his shine.

The clas­sic NY knock­ing bass and drums along with the gritty vibe, intens­i­fies the bars and raw emo­tion spewed from King F.L.O. Watch “The Five” and con­nect with King F.L.O on Ins­tagram @therealkingflo360_federal.

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!